Go, start with naming! Go’s full list of keywords and identifiers manual and code examples!

1. Go’s keyword list and classification


Keywords are a set of special words predefined in programming languages. Each keyword has a clear function and purpose. In the Go programming language, keywords play the role of building a program logical framework and are the basis of program semantics and structure. This article aims to deeply explore the positioning and application of keywords in Go to understand its importance in programming. The Go language has 25 predefined keywords that are used for various specific purposes, from declaring variables and functions, to flow control and concurrent programming.

break, default, func, interface, select,
case, defer, go, map, struct,
chan, else, goto, package, switch,
const, fallthrough, if, range, type,
continue, for, import, return, var

Positioning of keywords in Go

The cornerstone of language

Keywords are the basic building blocks in any programming language, and Go is no exception. They are tools for describing program logic, defining data structures, and handling errors, among other tasks.

Simple and efficient

The Go language is widely popular for its simplicity and efficiency, largely due to its limited but highly optimized set of keywords. Go has only 25 keywords, which is a relatively small number compared to other programming languages, but each keyword has a clear and important purpose.

Scalability and Flexibility

While the keywords themselves are fixed, Go provides a range of compound statements and operators for a high degree of scalability and flexibility. For example, you can create complex logical structures using the if-else, for, and switch keywords.

Keyword classification

Declaration of various code elements

Keywords Description
const Used to declare one or more constants
func Used to define new functions
import is used to import external packages
package is used to declare the package name, usually located at the end of each Go source file The first line
type is used to declare custom types, such as structures, interfaces, aliases, etc.
var is used to declare one or more variables

Literal representation of combined type

Keywords Description
chan Used to declare a new channel (channel)
interface Used to define a new interface
map is used to declare a new map (key-value storage)
struct is used to define A new structure

Basic flow control syntax

Keywords Description
break Used to interrupt the current loop or one of the switch statements
case switch statements Branch
continue Skip the remaining statements of the current loop iteration and enter the next iteration
default switch The default branch in the switch statement
else if The negative branch of a statement
fallthrough is used in the switch statement to allow the control flow to continue executing the next case
for for loops
goto Jump to label (not recommended)
if Conditional statement
range Used for for loops to traverse arrays, slices, maps or channels
return For returning values from functions
select For multi-channel selection
switch For multi-branch selection statements

Coroutines and delayed function calls

Keywords Description
defer Used to delay the execution of functions, usually used to clean up resources
go Used to start a new goroutine to achieve concurrency

Second, Go keyword full code example

Keyword full code example

Keywords Code examples Code function
const const PI = 3.14159 Define constant PI
func func add(x, y int) int { return x + y } The definition is named add Function
import import "fmt" Import fmt package
package package main Define the package name main
type type Point struct {x, y int} Define a Structure named Point
var var name string = "John" Define a variable named name
chan ch := make( chan int) Create a new integer type channel
interface type Writer interface { Write([]byte) error } Define an interface named Writer
map m := map[string]int{"one": 1} Create a map where the key is a string and the value is an integer
struct type Circle struct { Radius float64 } Define a structure named Circle‘s structure
break if x > 0 { break } if x > 0, then break out of the loop
case case "apple": fmt.Println("It's an apple") In the switch statement, define a case
continue if x < 0 { continue } If x < 0, skip the current loop iteration
default default: fmt.Println("It's default") In switch statement, define a default case
else if x > 0 { /*. ..*/ } else { /*...*/ } The negative branch of if statement
fallthrough case 1: fallthrough In the switch statement, force the next case
for for i := 0; i < 10; i + + { /*...*/ } Loop 10 times
goto goto myLabel Jump to myLabel label (not recommended)
if if x > 0 { /*. ..*/ } When the condition is x > 0, perform an operation
range for k, v := range m { /*...*/ } Traverse mapping m
return return x + y Return x + y
select select { case <-ch: /*...*/} Multiple channel selection
switch switch x { case 1: /*...*/ } Multiple branch selection
defer defer fmt.Println("bye") Delay execution of fmt.Println("bye") until the function exits
go go doSomething() Execute the doSomething() function in the new goroutine

Three, Go identifier definitions

Identifiers are names used in programming languages to identify various programming elements (such as variables, functions, types, etc.). In the Go language, identifiers have a specific set of rules and conventions. These rules and features are explained in detail below.

Basic definition

An identifier is a word that begins with a Unicode letter or an underscore (_) and consists entirely of Unicode letters and Unicode digits.

  • Unicode letters: These are the characters defined in the Lu, Ll, Lt, Lm and Lo categories of the Unicode standard 8.0.
  • Unicode digits: These are characters defined in the Nd numeric character class defined in Unicode Standard 8.0.

Special Regulations

Keywords and Identifiers

Go keywords cannot be used as identifiers. This is an important restriction to avoid naming conflicts and syntax confusion.

empty identifier

The identifier _ is a special character called the null identifier. It is used to ignore a certain return value of a function or to force a variable to be declared but not used.

Scope and Visibility

  • Exported identifier: An identifier starting with a Unicode capital letter is called an exported identifier, which can also be understood as public.
  • Non-exported identifiers: Other identifiers (that is, those starting with non-Unicode capital letters) are called non-exported identifiers, which can also be understood as private.

Note: As of now (Go 1.20), Eastern characters are considered non-exported characters.

Export Identifier

  • Player_9
  • DoSomething
  • ?o
  • Π

non-exported identifier

  • _
  • _status
  • memStat
  • book
  • π
  • A type
  • エラー

Illegal identifier

  • Begins with Unicode numbers: 123, 3apples
  • Contains unqualified Unicode characters: a.b, *ptr, $name, [email protected]
  • Use keywords: type, range

Four. Examples of Go identifiers

In the Go language, identifiers are used to name various types of programming elements, such as variables, constants, functions, etc. This article will provide code examples and related explanations for different types of identifiers in the form of tables.

Table: Go identifier types, examples and explanations

Identifier types Identifier examples Explanation
Variable myVariable is used to store data values.
Constant MAX_COUNT is used to store data values that will not change.
Function CalculateSum Contains a block of code that performs a specific task.
Structure Person is used to define a compound containing multiple fields (variables) type of data.
Interface Writer defines a set of methods, and any type that implements these methods is considered to implement this interface.
Slice mySlice Dynamic array that can change size at runtime.
Map colorMap A collection of key-value pairs.
Channel msgChannel is used to send and receive data between Goroutines.
Package fmt is used to organize and reuse code, usually including functions and variables , constants, etc.
Alias type MyInt int is used to create a new name for an existing type.
Enumeration enum Status A set of named integer constants.
Goroutine go doSomething() Function executed concurrently.
Tag LOOP: is used for control flow statements, such as break and continue.
The empty identifier _ is used to ignore unwanted values.
Export identifiers PublicVar Identifiers that are visible and available in other packages.
Non-exported identifier privateVar Visible and available only within the package in which it is defined identifier.

Five. Go keywords and identifier codes in practice

In this section, we will explore the practical application of all keywords and identifiers in Go through a comprehensive practical code example. We will create a simple calculator program that will perform four operations: addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division.

Comprehensive case: simple calculator

package main // package keyword is used to define the package name

import "fmt" // The import keyword is used to introduce external packages

//Global variable declaration
var result int // The var keyword is used to declare variables

const maxInput = 100 // const keyword is used to declare constants

// Custom type declaration
type Calculator func(int, int) int // The type keyword is used to declare a custom type

// main function
func main() { // func keyword is used to declare functions
    var operator string // local variable declaration
    var num1, num2 int

    for { // for keyword is used for looping
        fmt.Println("Please enter the operator ( + , -, *, /, exit):")

        if operator == "exit" { // if keyword is used for conditional judgment
            fmt.Println("Program exited.")
            break // break keyword is used to break out of the loop

        fmt.Println("Please enter two integers:")
        fmt.Scanln( & amp;num1, & amp;num2)

        switch operator { // switch keyword is used for multi-condition judgment
        case " + ":
            result = calculate(add, num1, num2)
        case "-":
            result = calculate(subtract, num1, num2)
        case "*":
            result = calculate(multiply, num1, num2)
        case "/":
            if num2 == 0 { // else keyword is used for conditional judgment
                fmt.Println("The divisor cannot be 0")
                continue // The continue keyword is used to skip this loop
            result = calculate(divide, num1, num2)
        default: // The default keyword is used for multi-condition default options
            fmt.Println("Invalid operator")

        fmt.Printf("The result is: %d\
", result)

// Function declaration and definition
func calculate(calc Calculator, num1, num2 int) int {
    return calc(num1, num2)

// addition
func add(a, b int) int {
    return a + b

// subtraction
func subtract(a, b int) int {
    return a-b

func multiply(a, b int) int {
    return a * b

// division
func divide(a, b int) int {
    return a/b

Keywords and identifiers parsing

  • package: Defines the package to which the current code belongs, here is main.
  • import: Used to introduce external libraries. Here we introduce the fmt library.
  • var: global and local variable declarations.
  • const: Used to define constants. A constant named maxInput is defined here.
  • type: Used to declare a custom type. A Calculator function type is defined here.
  • func: used to declare functions. Multiple functions are declared here.
  • for: used for loops, here is an infinite loop.
  • if, else: used for conditional judgment.
  • switch, case, default: used for multi-condition judgment.
  • break: used to break out of loops.
  • continue: used to skip the current loop iteration.