Database integrity – entity integrity, referential integrity, attribute constraint naming clauses, domains

Article directory Database integrity 1. Entity integrity 1. Define entity integrity 2. Entity integrity check and breach handling 2. Referential integrity 1. Define referential integrity 2. Reference integrity check and default conditions 3. Constraints on attributes 1. Definition of constraints on attributes 2. Inspection of constraints on attributes and handling of breaches 4. Integrity constraint […]

Change the network card name to the traditional naming rule of CentOS6 in CentOS/RHEL7 environment

picture Introduction to CentOS/RHEL7 network card naming rules picture The traditional naming method of Linux server network cards is from eth0, eth1, eth2…. However, this number often does not necessarily correspond to the physical order of the network card interfaces. In regular mode, the server equipment we use may only have One network card. If […]

The combination of Vue’s routing query, name (path naming), and props configuration

The combination of Vue’s routing query, name (path naming), and props configuration Function: Pass parameters through query to improve the reusability of routing components Before learning, learn about it first The routing component instance has two properties: $route (will be called to the index.js file) and $router $route: Your own routing object. $router: Router object […]

Java naming convention (very complete), collected!

Introduction In this article, we will summarize the naming conventions in Java programming from large to small, from outside to inside. This article will involve common naming examples in daily work, such as package naming, class naming, interface naming, method naming, variable naming, constant class naming, abstract class naming, exception class naming, and extended class […]

Python code todo comments, folder naming conventions, and bit operation principles

Table of Contents Summary and supplement of day08 knowledge points 1. Knowledge summary 1.1 Name 1.2 Notes 1.3 todo 1.4 Conditional nesting 1.5 Simple logic is dealt with first 1.6 Loop 1.7 Variables and values 2. Knowledge supplement 2.1 pass 2.2 is comparison 2.3 Bit operations 3. Stage summary (mind map version) Summary and supplement […]

Vue components and file and folder naming conventions, SPA, creating routes, router-link related properties, routing to create multi-view single-page applications

Table of Contents 1. vue component (emphasis) 1.1 Component introduction 1.2 Local components 1.3 Global components 2. Custom events 2.1 Child -> Parent 2.2 Parent -> Child 3. Naming specifications for files and folders in Vue 4. SPA 4.1 Introduction to SPA 4.2 SPA technical points 5. Use routing to build multi-view single-page applications 5.1 […]

Go, start with naming! Go’s full list of keywords and identifiers manual and code examples!

1. Go’s keyword list and classification Introduction Keywords are a set of special words predefined in programming languages. Each keyword has a clear function and purpose. In the Go programming language, keywords play the role of building a program logical framework and are the basis of program semantics and structure. This article aims to deeply […]

Convert java entity class to table structure Sql statement and attribute name camel case naming conversion

Purpose: used to pull git code, but the project does not provide the table structure corresponding to the entity class to create sql statements, and convert the java entity class attribute names to camel case naming package com.mypro.testmodule.entity; import com.mypro.common.domain.Stu; import com.mypro.testmodule.entity.testen.Equip; import io.swagger.annotations.ApiModelProperty; import java.lang.reflect.Field; import java.math.BigDecimal; import java.time.LocalDateTime; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Date; import […]