Why glBegin is not defined & undefined identifier using new API (LearnOpenGL P2)

Article directory Deprecated glBegin & amp; glEnd Examples of using the new API Deprecated glBegin & amp; glEnd Environment: glfw 3.3.8 + glad core When OpenGL beginners try to use the glBegin and glEnd functions to draw triangles, they may find articles and code documents that use these functions. But many of these functions have […]

Go, start with naming! Go’s full list of keywords and identifiers manual and code examples!

1. Go’s keyword list and classification Introduction Keywords are a set of special words predefined in programming languages. Each keyword has a clear function and purpose. In the Go programming language, keywords play the role of building a program logical framework and are the basis of program semantics and structure. This article aims to deeply […]

Solve the undefined identifier “string”, undefined identifier “cout”, “name” encountered in C++: unknown rewrite specifier error

Table of Contents Solve undefined identifier “string”, undefined identifier “cout”, “name” encountered by C++: unknown rewrite specifier error 1. Undefined identifier “string” 2. Undefined identifier “cout” 3. “name”: unknown rewrite specifier error Summarize 1. Undefined identifier “string” 2. Undefined identifier “cout” 3. “name”: unknown rewrite specifier error Resolve undefined identifier “string”, undefined identifier “cout”, “name” […]

Go, start with naming! Go’s full list of keywords and identifiers manual and code examples!

Directory 1. Go keyword list and classification introduce Positioning of keywords in Go cornerstone of language Simplicity and efficiency Scalability and flexibility Keyword classification Declare various code elements Literal representation of a composite type Basic flow control syntax Coroutines and deferred function calls 2. Go keyword full code example Keyword full code example 3. Go […]

[WPF] Pack URI Uniform Resource Identifier used to load files

URI In Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF), Uniform Resource Identifiers (URIs) are used to identify and load files in a variety of ways, including the following: Specifies the user interface (UI) that displays when the application is first launched. Load images. Navigate to the page. Loading non-executable data file. Additionally, URIs can be used to identify […]

[Algorithm Notes] C(n,m) does not cross the boundary but A(n,m) crosses the boundary; C(n,1)+C(n,3)+C(n,5)… and other binomial theorems; ‘memset’: identifier not found

https://codeforces.com/contest/893/problem/E Solution where C(n,m) does not cross the boundary but A(n,m) crosses the boundary C(n,m) = A(n,m) / (n-m)! This question requires modulo 1e9 + 7, but only addition, subtraction, and multiplication can modulate it, but division cannot. Therefore, this A(n,m) needs to store the original value. The original value is too large and becomes […]

IDEA startup error [java.sql.SQLSyntaxErrorException: ORA-00904: “P”.”PRJ_NO”: invalid identifier]

IDEA reports the error as follows: 2023-08-17 11:26:15.535 ERROR [egrant-biz,b48324d82fe23753,b48324d82fe23753,true] 24108 — [XNIO-1 task-1] c.i.c.l.c.RestExceptionController: Server exception org.springframework.jdbc.BadSqlGrammarException: ### Error querying database. Cause: java.sql.SQLSyntaxErrorException: ORA-00904: “P”.”PRJ_NO”: invalid identifier ### The error may exist in file [D:\iriswork\bak\egrant-sfis-psn\egrant-app-service\egrant-app-biz\target\classes\com\iris\person\mapper\MeetingMapper.xml ] ### The error may involve com.iris.person.mapper.MeetingMapper.selectHadAssignPre-Inline ### The error occurred while setting parameters ### SQL: select v2.* from […]

Go will augment the built-in zero-valued identifier zero!

Hello everyone, I am Fried Fish. When everyone learns and uses the Go language, there is a magical concept: zero-values. It is difficult to find out who specifically named the name “Zero Value” and where it was first called. Every time a new student starts to switch languages, they always mention this in engineering and […]

[JavaScript 03] statement variable variable promotion identifier comment block scope conditional statement loop statement break continue label

JS sentence variable variable hoisting identifier note block Conditional statements if if…else switch Ternary operator ?: loop statement while for do…while break statement and continue statement Label Statement The execution unit of a JS program is line **Statement (statement)** is an operation to complete a specific task, such as the following assignment statement var a […]