Solve the problem of inconsistency between pandas.core.frame.DataFrame format data and numpy.ndarray format data resulting in inoperability

Table of Contents Solve the problem of inconsistency between pandas.core.frame.DataFrame format data and numpy.ndarray format data resulting in inoperability Problem Description Solution Summarize ndarray of numpy library What is ndarray? Features of ndarray Create ndarray ndrray properties and methods Indexing and slicing of ndrray Solve the problem of inconsistency between pandas.core.frame.DataFrame format data and numpy.ndarray […]

Why glBegin is not defined & undefined identifier using new API (LearnOpenGL P2)

Article directory Deprecated glBegin & amp; glEnd Examples of using the new API Deprecated glBegin & amp; glEnd Environment: glfw 3.3.8 + glad core When OpenGL beginners try to use the glBegin and glEnd functions to draw triangles, they may find articles and code documents that use these functions. But many of these functions have […]

NanoPC-T3 64-bit bare metal programming – startup and running state switching

refer to: Author: Peng Donglin Email: [email protected] 1. System block diagram It can be seen that the S5P6818 has a total of two clusters, each cluster has 4 Cortex-A53 architecture cores. According to the official manual, each core works at a frequency of no less than 1.4GHz. Each core has its […]

Shock! In addition to playing Landlord in IDEA, I also want to play Monopoly! vscode also arranges one

1. Introduction Originally, some time ago, around March or April, I found this plug-in xechat-idea when I was fishing. You can fish, fight landlords, chat, etc. in idea. The project address is , QQ group number 754126966 Then I tried to develop two games, one was Monopoly and the other was UNO (Both of […]

NanoPi NEO ported LVGL8.3.5 to 1.69 inch ST7789V screen

Preparation for transplant Transplant the fbtft screen driver Reference link: Friendly Arm NanoPi NEO uses fbtft driver to light up the 1.69-inch ST7789V2 screen Get source code name address description lvgl lvgl-8.3.5 lv_drivers lv_drivers-6.1.1 Create project directory Create project directory mkdir lvgl_display Decompress the downloaded source code to this folder, remove the version […]

Proteus Simulation of Smart Canopy in Pocket Park Based on 51 MCU

Simulation diagram: Introduction Single chip microcomputer adopts AT89C52, liquid crystal display adopts LCD1602 Four function buttons, namely setting, plus, minus and confirmation switching buttons Use ADC0832 to convert the analog signal from the sensor into a digital signal and then send it to the microcontroller for processing With light intensity detection, raindrop detection and temperature […]

Java Edition Easy Monopoly

//game class: package com.fs.DaFuWen; import java.util.*; public class Game { // Declare the map Map map; //declare the current position of player 1 in the battle int playerPos1; //declare the current position of player 2 in the match int playerPos2; // Declare go or stop flag setting String[] goAndStop = new String[2]; //Declare the battle […]

Installation and usage test of fwknop compiled from source code (new)

1. Install fwknop server This tutorial uses the original code of github to compile and install, and you can also use apt to download directly (not on this page) Download the original code compression package from GitHub Enter the file path after decompression First make sure to install the following software sudo apt-get install […]