vins-mono front end (1) – image optical flow tracking

Table of Contents Preface feature_tracker_node detailed explanation Preparation img_callback() detailed explanation Foreword The vins front-end mainly includes two parts: image optical flow tracking and imu pre-integration. Optical flow tracking is mainly used to track the same map point information of two adjacent frames of images, so that the back-end can solve the pose transformation between […]

[Monocular Ranging] How to measure distance when the slope of the ground is known

Article directory I. Introduction 2. Ranging code 2.1. The ground has a slope 2.2. python code 2.2.1. Rotation matrix rotation angle 2.2.2. Angle to rotation matrix 2.2.3. Three-dimensional rotation principle (Rotation principle) 2.2.4. Complete code 2.3, c++ code 1. Preface The previous blog [Monocular Ranging] How to measure distance when the camera angle is known […]

VINS-Mono principle derivation and code analysis (3) Back-end nonlinear optimization

This column refers to the PDF of Cui Huakun’s “VINS Paper Derivation and Code Analysis”. According to this framework, the principle of VINS-Mono is explained in detail, and code analysis is attached~ The overall content is as follows: VINS-Mono principle derivation and code analysis (1) Overall framework VINS-Mono principle derivation and code analysis (2) IMU […]

[C++ Code] Collecting rainwater, the nearest larger element, the largest matrix in the histogram, monotonic stack–Code Thoughts

Topic: Daily Temperature Given an integer array temperatures, representing the daily temperature, return an array answer, where answer[i] refers to the temperature for the first i days, with the next higher temperature occurring a few days later. If the temperature is not going to rise after this, use 0 instead. Brute force solution, two levels […]

Install orb_slam2, vins_mono, orb_slam3 in ubuntu18melodic environment to run the euroc data set and use evo to evaluate

Foreword Recently, I used orb_slam2 modified by Dr. Gao Xiang to generate a dense point cloud, and then used an octree to generate a two-dimensional raster map for navigation. However, the effect of the created map is not very good and the drift is too serious. On the left is the image generated by cartographer, […]

C++ monotonic vector algorithm application: sum of unbalanced numbers in all subarrays

Involving knowledge points monotonic vector Title The unbalanced number of an integer array arr of length n with indexes starting from 0 is defined as the number of indexes in the array sarr = sorted(arr) that satisfy the following conditions: 0 1 Here, sorted(arr) represents the array obtained by sorting the array arr. Given an […]

[Recommended] Three methods to obtain the aarch64 version of libv8_monolith.a static library

Foreword Not long ago, in order to get the OpenRASP for linux aarch64 version, the most critical thing in the middle is Chromium’s open source v8 engine (commonly known as libv8), which is introduced in the form of a static library (libv8_monolith.a). The official precompiled version is, relatively old. I tried to compile this […]

Teach you step by step how to use a monocular camera (OpenCv+Python)

Table of Contents ?edit 1. Monocular application prospects 2. Turn on the camera 3. Set the resolution Fourth, take pictures with the camera 5. Record video 6. Practical application of monocular combined with OpenCV 1. Monocular application prospects Monocular vision is widely used in deep learning and is one of the popular research directions in […]