Displaying XML documents using CSS

Introduction to CSS CSS (Cascading Style Sheet, Cascading Style Sheet or Cascading Style Sheet) is a style control language. Its basic idea is to define a corresponding set of display styles for each tag in the structural document. CSS can not only statically modify web pages, but can also cooperate with various scripting languages to […]

VTK+QT implementation, displaying three two-dimensional three-dimensional views of the three-dimensional model

The renderings are as follows: This code uses QT and VTK libraries to display three three-dimensional views of the three-dimensional model on the interface. First, read the NIFTI image data through vtkNIFTIImageReader, and then create three rendering windows (coronal, sagittal, and axial views) to display images of the coronal, sagittal, and axial views respectively. Next, […]

52 playing cards (Python string replacement)

Input the letters a~d corresponding to the black, red, plum, and square suits of the playing cards + the numbers 1~13 corresponding to the points of the playing cards; output the playing card suits and points corresponding to the “letters + numbers” string. (This note is suitable for coders who are familiar with Python loops […]

Add 2 statements to solve the problem of cufflinks’ .iplot not displaying pictures

Environment: jupyter notebook, win7, win10, chrome browser, edge browser, bug: .iplot of cufflinks does not display images The phenomenon is: 1 – Use matplotlib.pyplot to display images. 2 – Plotly’s iplot method can save pictures to a folder, but using plotly’s iplot method, jupyter notebook does not display pictures. It means that the problem is […]

Lua tool for playing Animator animations

—@diagnostic disable: undefined-doc-name —@class AnimatorUtil AnimatorUtil = {} local this = AnimatorUtil —@param animator CS.UnityEngine.Animator —@param name string function AnimatorUtil.Play(animator, name) if IsNull(animator) or IsNull(animator.gameObject) then return end animator.enabled = true –If some object components do not have switches turned on, force them to turn on animator:Play(name, -1, 0) end —@param animator UnityEngine.Animator —@param name […]

Basic use of PyAudio module, blocking/non-blocking recording/playing of audio

pyaudio library: audio processing pyaudio documentation, most variables and interface definitions are still in the C version of PortAudio documentation. The PyAudio object is only responsible for playing audio, and is not responsible for reading binary data from the file, so the reading must be done outside, and what is given to it is binary […]

DataFountain-Prediction of player recharge amounts in massively multiplayer online role-playing games (baseline)

Written before: This competition is a training competition of DataFountain, and it lasts for a long time. It is not clear how many points will be involved later. I just saw it the day before yesterday, and I was thinking about playing with it. After downloading the data, I found that the entire data is […]

Analysis and solution of PyQt5 playing video with transparent channel

Analysis and solutions on using PyQt5 to play videos with transparent channels: Recently, when I was practicing on the PyQt5 project, I encountered the problem of playing a transparent channel background video. After searching for a long time on the Internet to no avail, I finally solved the problem by myself. The solution was quite […]

[C++] – Are you still playing with ordinary classes? There are several special class designs. Come and take a look.

Author: A small sapling longs to become a towering tree Author’s declaration: Write every blog post carefully Author gitee:gitee? Author column: C language, elementary data structure, Linux, C++ dynamic programming algorithm If you like the author’s article, give the author a little attention! Article directory Preface 1. Please design a class that cannot be copied. […]

Playing with Nginx Part 2 [IP Hash and URL Hash]

IP Hash Distribute requests from the same IP address to the same backend server to achieve session persistence. The configuration is as follows upstream polling { ip_hash; server weight=1 max_fails=3 fail_timeout=30s; server weight=1 max_fails=3 fail_timeout=30s; server weight=1 max_fails=3 fail_timeout=30s; server weight=1 max_fails=3 fail_timeout=30s; server weight=1 max_fails=3 fail_timeout=30s; } After starting […]