Python code todo comments, folder naming conventions, and bit operation principles

Table of Contents Summary and supplement of day08 knowledge points 1. Knowledge summary 1.1 Name 1.2 Notes 1.3 todo 1.4 Conditional nesting 1.5 Simple logic is dealt with first 1.6 Loop 1.7 Variables and values 2. Knowledge supplement 2.1 pass 2.2 is comparison 2.3 Bit operations 3. Stage summary (mind map version) Summary and supplement […]

Vue components and file and folder naming conventions, SPA, creating routes, router-link related properties, routing to create multi-view single-page applications

Table of Contents 1. vue component (emphasis) 1.1 Component introduction 1.2 Local components 1.3 Global components 2. Custom events 2.1 Child -> Parent 2.2 Parent -> Child 3. Naming specifications for files and folders in Vue 4. SPA 4.1 Introduction to SPA 4.2 SPA technical points 5. Use routing to build multi-view single-page applications 5.1 […]

[Programming Specifications] This article explains the naming conventions in development

Naming convention Good code itself is a comment, so we need a unified naming style. ? In this article, I will summarize the naming conventions in Java programming from big to small, from outside to inside. This article will involve common naming examples in daily work, such as package naming, class naming, interface naming, method […]

Nuggets Quantification-Python SDK Documentation-3. Variable Conventions

Directory Python SDK Documentation 3. Variable conventions 3.1 symbol – code identification 3.1.1 Exchange Code 3.1.2 Transaction target code 3.1.3symbol example 3.1.4 Futures main continuous contracts 3.2mode – mode selection 3.2.1 Real-time mode 3.2.2 Backtesting Mode 3.3context – context object 3.3.1context.symbols – subscription code collection – current time – data sliding window 3.3.4context.account […]

JavaScript Naming Conventions

js naming convention Identifiers in the ECMAScript specification are in camel case format, and the camel case naming method starts with a small (capital) letter, and the first letter of each subsequent word is capitalized. According to whether the first letter is capitalized, there are two ways: Pascal Case uppercase nomenclature: capitalize the first letter. […]

[HTML Past Adventures 04] Responsive Web Design Ready-made CSS Framework Computer Code Semantic Elements Style Guide Code Conventions Best Practices

HTML Adventures in the Past 04 responsive web design responsive computer code computer code Semantic elements semantic elements Style guide and coding conventions syntax Responsive Web Design responsive RWD stands for Responsive Web Design RWD can deliver web pages in variable sizes RWD is required for mobile devices manually created <!DOCTYPE html> <html lang=”en-US”> <head> […]

Entity Framework Code First Conventions

Code First enables you to describe models in C# or Visual Basic .NET. The basic rules of the model are checked by using conventions, which are a set of built-in rules. The class-based definition in Code First automatically configures the conceptual model through a series of rule conventions, which are defined in the namespace System.Data.Entity.ModelConfiguration.Conventions. […]

TypeScript Coding Conventions

TypeScript is an open source programming language developed by Microsoft. It is a superset of JavaScript, so its coding protocol and supporting Lint tools are also in line with the “JavaScript Coding Protocol”. [Mandatory] Overloaded functions must be written together @typescript-eslint/adjacent-overload-signatures Naturally related items grouped together will improve code readability and organization. // bad declare […]