python socket programming 1 – socket creation parameter description and reference specifications

Write a custom directory title here 1. Creation of socket 1. Usage examples 2. Source code 2. Parameter description 1. The value of python 3.8 family 2. The value of python 3.8 type 3. The value of python 3.8 proto, this value is called `Assigned Internet Protocol Numbers` 3. Reference materials 1. Creation of socket […]

[MySQL Architecture] MySQL character set, case specifications and default database

Article directory 1. Character set and character set comparison rules 2. Capitalization specifications 3. Default database 4. Related to file system 1. Character set and character set comparison rules MySQL has 4 levels of character sets and comparison rules, namely server level database level table level column level When the corresponding table or column is […]

Python built-in module re module, regular expression explanation, terminal project development specifications (super detailed)

Table of Contents Day15: Built-in modules and development specifications (2) 15.3 Regular expression related 15.3.1. Character related 15.3.2. Quantity related 15.3.3. Brackets (grouping) 15.3.4 Start and End 15.3.5 Special characters 15.3.6 re module (regular module) 15.4 Project development specifications (terminal operation) 15.4.1 Single-file application 15.4.2 Single executable file 15.4.3 Multiple executable files Day15: Built-in modules […]

019-Third generation software development-Git submission specifications

Third generation software development-Git submission specifications Article directory Third generation software development-Git submission specifications Project Introduction Git commit specifications branch specification Commit Message Format Header Body Footer Revert in conclusion Keywords: Qt、 Qml、 git、 Commit、 release Project introduction Welcome to our QML & C++ project! This project combines the power of QML (Qt Meta-Object Language) […]

GR5526 GUI Special Topic (1) – Generate image resources that comply with the GPU adapted version of Lvgl specifications

Article directory 1. Tool introduction 2. Generate image resources 2.1 Prepare image resource data 2.2 Organize picture directory format 2.3 Generate resources 3. Use of generated resource files 3.1 Burn .bin file 3.2 Adjust the source code descriptor file according to the actual situation of the project 3.3 Embed source code .c/.h files into Lvgl […]

Module construction specifications (including dependencies) and interface testing

Tip: After the article is written, the table of contents can be automatically generated. For how to generate it, please refer to the help document on the right. Article directory Preface 1. Specifications for multi-module construction projects 2. Interface testing 3. Stress test 3. Unit testing Introduce unit test dependencies Create unit test cases Summarize […]

Front-end and back-end interface specifications – RESTful version

The three goals of this specification: Simplicity, Unification, and Openness. Regarding how to design a well-styled RESTful API, Github has a perfect answer. Read it three times and the meaning will be apparent. Based on it, this specification will use the simplest possible expression to make detailed agreements from the following common parts: Basic agreement […]