How to install ansible in rhel 8.7Red Hat 8.7 install ansible

sudo subscription-manager register username:xxxx password:xxxxx sudo subscription-manager repos -enable ansible-2.9-for-rhel-8-x86_64-rpms subscription-manager release-list subscription-manager release – unset & amp; & amp; subscription-manager release – set=8.7 sudo yum install ansible Note: When encountering the following installation failure problems $ sudo yum -y install ansible Updating Subscription Management repositories. Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8 for x86_64 – AppStream […]

Change the network card name to the traditional naming rule of CentOS6 in CentOS/RHEL7 environment

picture Introduction to CentOS/RHEL7 network card naming rules picture The traditional naming method of Linux server network cards is from eth0, eth1, eth2…. However, this number often does not necessarily correspond to the physical order of the network card interfaces. In regular mode, the server equipment we use may only have One network card. If […]

Nginx (02)-rhel, debian, Ubuntu, SUSE installation

This article mainly describes the yum installation method of Nginx under Linux. Yum installation generally uses root mode. Installation method Under Linux, Nginx can be installed in two ways: source code compilation and installation and yum (different OS may have different command names) direct installation. The advantages and disadvantages of the two methods are as […]

Linux RHEL 7.9 network card configuration bond0 (active and backup mode)

1. Experimental environment preparation and planning System: RHEL 7.9 Network card bond0 (active and backup mode): ens33 ens37 bond0: vmware virtual machine network card: host mode only 2. Method 1 (nmcli command line configuration) steps # 1. Create bond0 virtual network card interface [root@localhost network-scripts]# nmcli connection add type bond con-name bond0 ifname bond0 mode […]

10. RHEL Podman commands

Introduction to Podman Podman is an open source container runtime project available on most Linux platforms. Podman provides very similar functionality to Docker. As mentioned earlier, it does not require any daemons to be running on your system, and it can be run without root privileges as well.Podman can manage and run any container and […]

Install FreeIPA server on RHEL8

RHEL8 installation FreeIPA server Introduction to FreeIPA prerequisites FreeIPA’s lab details 1. Set hostname and install updates 2. Update hosts file 3. Turn off SELinux 4. Allow FreeIPA port in firewall 5. Install the FreeIPA software package and its components 6. Configure FreeIPA server Configure the integrated DNS service Configure server hostname Configure domain name […]

UiAutomatorHelper debugging class

package rom; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; public class UiAutomatorHelper { //The following parameters need to be configured, use case set id, use case id, Android id private static String android_id = “1”; private static String jar_name = […]

Install GCC under Linux (RHEL6.0)

View system version [root@CP-RHEL proc]# cat /etc/issue Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server release 6.0 (Santiago) Kernel \r on an \m Check whether GCC is installed on the system Enter gcc, it prompts that the gcc command is not found, indicating that it is not installed. [root@CP-RHEL proc]# gcc -bash: gcc: command not found Prepare RPM […]

ASM+udev+oracle11gR2+rhel7–1.rhel7 server environment construction

(1) Introduction to building The purpose of this article is to build a single instance database oracle11gR2 + ASM + udev for subsequent testing. There are 4 articles in the column, each introducing the following steps: rhel7 server environment setup udev configure disk and disk planning Visual installation grid + asm configuration Visual installation database […]