Debian 11 updates Node.js version

Published on 2023-07-14 at Steps Download the required Node.js installation script from the NodeSource service. Pay attention to changing the version number. The current LTS version is 18.x curl -sL | sudo -E bash – It is now possible to install (update) noedjs directly from apt sudo apt install -y nodejs View node […]

Nginx (02)-rhel, debian, Ubuntu, SUSE installation

This article mainly describes the yum installation method of Nginx under Linux. Yum installation generally uses root mode. Installation method Under Linux, Nginx can be installed in two ways: source code compilation and installation and yum (different OS may have different command names) direct installation. The advantages and disadvantages of the two methods are as […]

After Debian installation is complete… (backup)

Tune your own Debian 1.a).Install conky apt install conky b).Configuration.conkyrc conky.config = { background = true, use_spacer = ‘right’, use_xft = true, font = ‘Microsoft YaHei:size=9’, — font Microsoft YaHei:pixelsize=9, override_utf8_locale = true, update_interval = 1.0, own_window_class = ‘conky’,– If own_window is yes, you may use type normal, desktop or override dock own_window = true, […]

linux | RK3568 Debian AIC8800 porting

1. WiFi 1. Read RK’s documentation and configure the DTS nodes. /* SDIO interface Wi-Fi dedicated configuration: WIFI_REG_ON: Wi-Fi power enable PIN pin */ sdio_pwrseq: sdio-pwrseq { compatible = “mmc-pwrseq-simple”; pinctrl-names = “default”; pinctrl-0 = < & amp;wifi_enable_h>; /* Special note: WIFI_REG_ON GPIO_ACTIVE configuration is exactly the opposite of the enable state. * High effective […]

The first thing you should do after installing debian12

After debian12 is installed, some configuration is often required before it can be used normally. 1. Add domestic mirror source (take University of Science and Technology of China as an example) $ su nano /etc/apt/sources.list Just add the following code to the sources.list file: # University of Science and Technology of China mirror source deb […]

debian11 uses kubeasy to deploy high-availability k8s cluster

GitHub project address Introduction kubeasz uses binary installation and ansible-playbook for automated deployment. kubeasz can be installed with one click or deployed in steps. This article uses one-click installation. The installation process is as follows. Two local containers will be created, kubeasz and local_registry. The kubeasz container runs ezctl to build a cluster, and […]

Zabbix deployment (debian, centos)

lnmp and lamp architecture build one-click installation script download address: official template download address: https://share.zabbix .com/; 1. Install zabbix on Debian1. Download the corresponding version (the following installation takes Zabbix 3.2 version as an example) Unzip the software package root@zabbix:~/tools# apt-get -y install net-snmp net-snmp-devel curl curl-devel libxml2 libxml2-devel #Install zabbix dependency […]