How to install ansible in rhel 8.7Red Hat 8.7 install ansible

sudo subscription-manager register username:xxxx password:xxxxx sudo subscription-manager repos -enable ansible-2.9-for-rhel-8-x86_64-rpms subscription-manager release-list subscription-manager release – unset & amp; & amp; subscription-manager release – set=8.7 sudo yum install ansible Note: When encountering the following installation failure problems $ sudo yum -y install ansible Updating Subscription Management repositories. Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8 for x86_64 – AppStream […]

Ansible playbook

Ansible playbook format 1. Format introduction The playbook is written in YMAL language. YAML ( /?j?m?l/ ) references many other languages, including: XML, C language, Python, Perl, and the email format RFC2822. Clark Evans first published this language in May 2001. In addition Ingy d?t Net and Oren Ben-Kiki are also co-designers of this language. […]

Task execution control in Ansible

1. Loop Loop iteration task 1. Simple loop loop: ##Assignment list – value1 – value2 -… {<!– –>{item}} ##Iteration variable name #Example# — – name: create file hosts: tasks: – name: file module file: name: /mnt/{<!– –>{item}} state: present loop: – westos_file1 – westos_file2 2. Circular hash or dictionary list — – name: create […]

Variables and encryption in Ansible

1. Variable naming Like most programming languages, ansible’s built-in keywords cannot be used as variable names, including numbers, underscores, and letters. They can only start with underscores or letters. 2. Variable level Global: set from the command line or configuration file paly: set in play and related structures Host: a task consisting of a checklist, […]

Using playbooks in Ansible

Table of Contents 1.Playbook functions 2.YAML 3.YAML list 4.YAML dictionary 5.playbook execution command 6.Core components of playbook 7.vim setting skills Example 1. Functions of Playbook A playbook is a list of one or more plays Playboot files are written using YAML 2.YAML #Introduction# It is a format for expressing data sequences, similar to XML #Features# […]

Ansible installation and deployment

Table of Contents 1.Ansible installation 2. Build Ansible manifest Directly write the managed host name or ip Set the group for managed hosts [group name] Scoping operations for host specifications Specify other manifest files Regular expression for ansible command to specify inventory 3. Detailed explanation of Ansible configuration file parameters Classification and priority of configuration […]

Ansible installation and deployment

Table of Contents 1. Introduction to ansible 2. Installation of ansible 1. Download the epel warehouse 2. Install ansible 3. Global testing 4. Build Anisble list 3. Detailed explanation of Ansible configuration file parameters 1. Classification and priority of configuration files 2. Common configuration parameters 4. Build a user-level Ansible operating environment 1. Introduction to […]

Ansible playbook

Table of Contents playbook Introduction to playbook The various parts of playbooks Basic playbook script writing examples Example 1: Playbook writing apache’s yum installation and deployment script Playbook definition and reference variables Definition and reference of basic variables Reference variables in fact information When conditional judgment and variable recycling in playbook when conditional judgment variable […]

playbook in Ansible

Table of Contents 1. Introduction to playbook 2. Syntax of playbook 3. Core components of playbook 4. Playbook execution command 5. vim setting skills 6. Basic Example 1. Introduction to playbook 1. Playbook is a completely different application than ad-hoc. 2. Playbook is a simple configuration management system and the basis of a multi-machine deployment […]

ansible script – playbook script

Table of Contents playbook script 1 Introduction 2. Components of playbook 3. Things to note when writing a playbook 1) The module syntax format of task task 2) Syntax format of with_items and vars 3) Run the playbook 4) Supplementary parameters for running playbook 4. Define and reference variables 5. Specify the remote host sudo […]