Azure DevOps YAML files have different output variables and conditions for different stages, jobs, and tasks.

Application of stage, job, task and condition in YAML Introduction Resource preparation structural relationship Code writing (task) Define variables within task task condition gets variable value task code explanation Test task code Code writing (job) job variable definition Get job variable value job condition job code explanation Test job code Code writing (stage) stage code […]

uc_01_Computer system layering_environment variables_error handling

1. Computer system layering 1. What is an operating system? The operating system is a system software that manages computer hardware and software resources, referred to as OS. 2. Computer system layering: The operating system manages the computer’s hardware resources through drivers. The operating system interacts with the user through system calls. The operating system […]

Nginx (05)-http working mechanism, configuration instructions and built-in variables

The http service is the most original service of Nginx. Understanding its working mechanism is very helpful to understand how nginx works. The core module of Nginx is ngx_http_core_module. Table of Contents http working mechanism Configuration structure Working Mechanism http common commands http server listen server_name location priority Special usage of “/” root/alias/index root alias […]

Use the Postman tool for interface testing – environment variables and request parameter formats!

Introduction In the previous note, we mainly introduced the basic knowledge and basic functions of interface testing. This chapter mainly introduces how to use postman for interface testing. Configure environment variables and global variables Environment variables and global variables In environment management, you can also click “Global” to add global variables. Environment variables only take […]

Variables and encryption in Ansible

1. Variable naming Like most programming languages, ansible’s built-in keywords cannot be used as variable names, including numbers, underscores, and letters. They can only start with underscores or letters. 2. Variable level Global: set from the command line or configuration file paly: set in play and related structures Host: a task consisting of a checklist, […]

The story behind GCC & address allocation of C program constant variables

Table of Contents 1. Use gcc to generate static libraries and dynamic libraries Example 1 1.Create a directory 2.gcc compiles and obtains the .o file 3. Create a static library 4. Use static libraries 5. Verify the usage characteristics of static libraries 6. Create a dynamic library 7. Use dynamic libraries 8. Comparison of static […]

The story behind GCC; allocation of constant variables in C programs

? 1. Learn and master the compilation and assembly process of executable programs. The learning tasks are as follows: read, understand and study the materials “Using gcc to generate static libraries and dynamic libraries.pdf” and “Generation and use of static library .a and .so library files.pdf”, please do so under the Linux system (Ubuntu) Copy […]

The story behind GCC & address allocation of C program constant variables

1) Read, understand and study the materials “Using gcc to generate static libraries and dynamic libraries.pdf” and “Generation and use of static library .a and .so library files.pdf”, please copy them faithfully under the Linux system (Ubuntu) Again. To learn the compilation and assembly process of executable programs, you can practice it under the Linux […]

Class variables/methods, main syntax, code blocks

1. Class variables and methods Mind map overview: 1.1 Class variables (static variables) 1.What are class variables/methods? –Add the static keyword to modify the member properties or member methods in the class. Class variables/methods are also called static variables/methods. Static variables/methods are shared by all objects of the class itself. 2. A small case to […]