Azure DevOps YAML files have different output variables and conditions for different stages, jobs, and tasks.

Application of stage, job, task and condition in YAML Introduction Resource preparation structural relationship Code writing (task) Define variables within task task condition gets variable value task code explanation Test task code Code writing (job) job variable definition Get job variable value job condition job code explanation Test job code Code writing (stage) stage code […]

YOLOv5 – yolov5s.yaml file

This article is [365-day deep learning training camp learning record blog Reference article: 365-day deep learning training camp Original author: [Classmate K | Tutoring, project customization]( Article source: [Student K’s study circle]( The structure of the target detection model based on deep learning: input -> trunk -> neck -> head -> output. The backbone network […]

Write ROS 2 Launch files using Python, XML, and YAML

Directory of series articles ROS2 important concepts ament_cmake_python user documentation ROS2 ament_cmake user documentation Managing ROS 2 dependencies using rosdep Article directory Table of Contents of Series Articles Preface 1. Launch file example 1.1 Python version 1.2 XML version 1.3 YAML version 2. Use the Launch file from the command line 1. Launching 2. Set […]

Kubernetes yaml file

Table of Contents yaml file Detailed explanation of Pod yaml file Detailed explanation of deployment.yaml file Detailed explanation of Service yaml file Documents Kubernetes supports YAML and JSON formats to manage resource objects JSON format: mainly used for message transmission between API interfaces YAML format: used for configuration and management. YAML is a concise, non-markup […]

16 Description of yaml files in K8S cluster

YAML file description in K8S cluster 1. Common k8s instructions # Deploy according to yaml file kubectl apply -f <filename> #Delete based on yaml file kubectl delete -f <filename> # Check the status of k8s components kubectl get node,pod,svc # View node details kubectl describe node <node name> # View pod details kubectl describe pod […]

Week Y3: Interpretation of yolov5s.yaml file

Foreword ? In YOLOv5, the network structure uses yaml as the configuration file, and four network models of different sizes are configured, namely YOLOv5s, YOLOv5m, YOLOv5l, and YOLOv5x. The structures of these models are basically the same, the difference is depth_multipesThe two parameters of model depth andwidth_multiplemodel width. 1. What is YAML ? “YAML is […]

golang project component grpc-gateway-yaml defines http rules and customizes gateway routing

YAML defines http rules and custom implementation of gateway routing Defining http rules in proto is always troublesome, because the proto file still defines messages, and the grpc interface is better. There is a better way to configure http rules. We can use yaml files to define http rules for the interface. At the same […]

Nuclei Yaml template writing vulnerability poc (forward)

Original link: Intrusion and deletion Nuclei Yaml template writing vulnerability poc Original Qinyin Safety [Qinyin Safety](javascript:void(0) 2023-07-17 14:00 Published in Henan Included in the collection #infiltrate 8 Disclaimer Any direct or indirect consequences and losses caused by the dissemination and use of the information provided by this official account Qinyin Safety are the responsibility […]

[K8S] Deploying nginx applications in the cluster and running the handwritten yaml file error reporting process

Article directory ?Error message Troubleshooting process ?problem solved ?Error message Extract error information【 unknown field “spec.selector.replicas”]【 unknown field “spec.selector.template” font>】 [root@master ~]# kubectl apply -f nginx-deployment.yaml Error from server (BadRequest): error when creating “nginx-deployment.yaml”: Deployment in version “v1” cannot be handled as a Deployment: strict decoding error: unknown field “spec.selector.replicas” , unknown field “spec.selector.template” Troubleshooting […]

Junit5 + YAML easily implements parameterization and data drive, making App automation testing more efficient (1)

Login: Different user names, different passwords, and different combinations need to be tested in login scenarios. Multiple use cases may be generated under normal permutations and combinations. Search: Different search conditions produce different search results. Search is also a common test item, with a single search parameter or a combination of multiple search parameters; multiple […]