odoo16 front-end framework source code reading–rpc_service.js

odoo16 front-end framework source code reading–rpc_service.js Let me first introduce some background knowledge to make it easier to read the code. 1. JSONRPC specification https://www.jsonrpc.org/specification Chinese translation version: https://wiki.geekdream.com/Specification/json-rpc_2.0.html JSON-RPC is a stateless and lightweight remote procedure call (RPC) protocol. This specification mainly defines some data structures and their related processing rules. It allows running […]

gRPC gRPC service timeout setting

1. gRPC service timeout setting The default request timeout of gRPC is very long. When you do not set the request timeout, all running requests will occupy a lot of resources and may Running for a long time will lead to excessive service resource consumption, making subsequent request responses too slow, and even causing the […]

gRPC memory horse research and killing 3

Foreword Two weeks ago, I saw the “Memory Horse’s Offensive and Defense Game Journey – gRPC Memory Horse” released by the M01N Team public account. The article introduced how gRPC memory horse is injected into and executes commands. However, the original article only gave a demo of the shooting range. , the poc of using […]

gRPC memory horse research and detection

Foreword Two weeks ago, I saw the “Memory Horse’s Offensive and Defense Game Journey – gRPC Memory Horse” released by the M01N Team public account. The article introduced how gRPC memory horse is injected into and executes commands. However, the original article only gave a demo of the shooting range. , the poc of using […]

Java implements a simple RPC framework

Java implements simple RPC framework and understanding consumer RPC framework Registration center Service registration Local service registration Remote service registration service discovery service call dynamic proxy load balancing Retry mechanism Service distribution service provider interface Implementation class Consumer As shown in the following code, consumers who want to call HelloService and ByeService of remote services […]

[RPC] Motan quick start

Article directory I. Overview 2. Function 3. XML configuration usage 1. Synchronous call 1.1. Add dependencies in pom 1.2. Create a public interface for the caller and server. 1.3. Write business interface logic, create and start RPC Server. 1.4. Create and execute RPC Client. 2. Asynchronous call 2.1. Add @MotanAsync annotation to the interface class […]

golang project component grpc-gateway-yaml defines http rules and customizes gateway routing

YAML defines http rules and custom implementation of gateway routing Defining http rules in proto is always troublesome, because the proto file still defines messages, and the grpc interface is better. There is a better way to configure http rules. We can use yaml files to define http rules for the interface. At the same […]