In-depth analysis of MacBook Pro configuration guides carefully selected by Maotouhu for different industries: How to accurately select MacBook Pro configurations according to industry needs – Comprehensive comparison of M1, M2, and M3 series

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Article directory

  • In-depth analysis of MacBook Pro configuration guides carefully selected by Maotouhu for different industries: How to accurately select MacBook Pro configurations according to industry needs – Comprehensive comparison of M1, M2, and M3 series
    • Summary
    • introduction
    • text
      • 1. Programmer
        • 1.1 Processor
        • 1.2 Memory
        • 1.3 Storage
      • 2. Graphic Designers and Video Editors
        • 2.1 Graphics Processor
        • 2.2 Memory and storage
      • 3. Game developers
        • 3.1 Graphics Processor
        • 3.2 Memory and storage
      • 4. Audio Producer
        • 4.1 Processor and memory
        • 4.2 Storage
      • 5. Data Scientist
        • 5.1 Processor
        • 5.2 Memory
      • 6. Machine Learning Engineer
        • 6.1 Graphics Processor
        • 6.2 Memory and storage
      • 7. Filmmaker
        • 7.1 Graphics Processor
        • 7.2 Memory and storage
      • 8. Cybersecurity experts
        • 8.1 Processor and memory
        • 8.2 Storage
      • 9. 3D Artists and Animators
        • 9.1 Graphics Processor
        • 9.2 Memory and storage
      • 10. Network Administrator
        • 10.1 Processor and memory
        • 10.2 Storage
    • Summarize
    • References
  • Original statement

In-depth analysis of MacBook Pro configuration guide carefully selected by Maotouhu for different industries: How to accurately select MacBook Pro configuration according to industry needs – Comprehensive comparison of M1, M2, M3 series


Hello everyone, I am Maotouhu, a blogger who is passionate about technology. Today, we are going to discuss a widely discussed issue: how to choose the MacBook Pro configuration that best suits you based on your professional needs. At the recent Apple conference, the new MacBook Pro series made a shocking debut with M1, M2, and M3 series chips, attracting a lot of attention. Through in-depth research and comparison, I aim to provide an informed buying guide for professionals in various fields. Whether you are a programmer, designer, audio producer, or game developer, this article can provide you with a useful reference to help you make a wise choice among the rich configurations of MacBook Pro. Let’s dive in now!


Choosing a computer configuration that meets your personal needs is particularly important, especially for professionals who rely heavily on computers to complete daily work tasks. In this article, we will analyze it from multiple angles and start from the perspective of different industries to deeply explore the needs and challenges that professionals in various industries may encounter, and how to deal with these needs and challenges by choosing the appropriate MacBook Pro configuration. Making an informed decision among the many configuration options will not only increase your productivity, but also save you valuable time and resources in the long run. Now, let us start this journey of exploration on MacBook Pro configuration selection from the perspective of multiple popular industries!


1. Programmer

For programmers, a powerful processor, sufficient memory and fast storage are crucial.

1.1 Processor

For example, the high-performance multi-core processors provided by M1 Max, M2 Max, and M3 Max chips can greatly shorten code compilation time.

# Example: Use Python’s multiprocessing module to demonstrate the advantages of multi-core processors
import multiprocessing
import time

def compute(n):
    result = 0
    for i in range(n):
        result + = i*i
    return result

if __name__ == '__main__':
    start_time = time.time()
    with multiprocessing.Pool() as pool:
        results =, [1000000]*multiprocessing.cpu_count())
    print(f'Complete calculation, time taken: {<!-- -->time.time() - start_time} seconds')
1.2 Memory

At least 32GB of memory can ensure the smooth running of multiple applications and services during the development process.

# Example: Use the command line tool free to check the memory usage of the system
$ free -h
1.3 Storage

A fast SSD speeds up loading and saving projects, and 1TB or more is a good choice.

# Example: Use the command line tool df to check the storage usage of the system

2. Graphic designers and video editors

Graphic design and video editing require powerful graphics processing power and large amounts of storage space.

2.1 Graphics Processor

The high-performance graphics processor of the M2 or M3 series can provide powerful support for graphic design and video editing.

# Example: Use the command line tool glxinfo to check the performance of the graphics processor
$ glxinfo | grep "OpenGL version"
2.2 Memory and Storage

At least 64GB of memory and 2TB of storage space can ensure the smooth progress of large projects.

3. Game Developer

Game development is a resource-intensive field that requires strong CPU and GPU performance, large amounts of memory and storage space.

3.1 Graphics Processor

The high-performance graphics processors of M2 Max or M3 Max are ideal for game development, providing powerful support for complex 3D rendering and real-time preview.

# Example: Create and run a simple 3D game using Unity 3D
$ unity-editor
3.2 Memory and Storage

At least 64GB of memory and 2TB of storage space can ensure the smooth progress of large-scale game projects.

4. Audio Producer

Audio production requires a lot of memory to handle multi-track audio, and enough storage space to hold large numbers of audio files and projects.

4.1 Processor and Memory

The M1 Pro Max chip combined with 64GB of memory can provide sufficient processing power for audio production.

# Example: Multi-track audio production using Ardor
4.2 Storage

At least 1TB of storage space ensures safe storage of audio files and projects.

5. Data Scientist

Data processing and analysis require powerful processors and large amounts of memory.

5.1 Processor

The high-performance processor of M2 Pro or M3 Pro provides powerful support for data processing and analysis.

# Example: Using Pandas and NumPy to process large amounts of data
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np

# Generate large amounts of data
data = np.random.rand(1000000, 20)
df = pd.DataFrame(data)

# data analysis
summary = df.describe()
5.2 Memory

At least 64GB of memory ensures smooth handling of large amounts of data.

6. Machine Learning Engineer

Machine learning and deep learning require powerful processors and graphics processors.

6.1 Graphics Processor

The high-performance graphics processor of M2 Max or M3 Max can provide powerful support for machine learning and deep learning.

# Example: Use TensorFlow to train a deep learning model
import tensorflow astf

# Download Data
mnist = tf.keras.datasets.mnist
(x_train, y_train), (x_test, y_test) = mnist.load_data()
x_train, x_test = x_train / 255.0, x_test / 255.0

# Build model
model = tf.keras.models.Sequential([
    tf.keras.layers.Flatten(input_shape=(28, 28)),
    tf.keras.layers.Dense(128, activation='relu'),

# Compile model

#Train model, y_train, epochs=5)
6.2 Memory and Storage

At least 64GB of RAM and 1TB of storage space are necessary.

7. Filmmaker

Movie production requires powerful graphics processing power and large amounts of storage space.

7.1 Graphics Processor

The high-performance graphics processor of M2 Max or M3 Max can provide powerful support for video editing and special effects production.

7.2 Memory and Storage

At least 64GB of memory and 4TB of storage space can ensure the smooth progress of large video projects.

8. Cyber Security Expert

Cybersecurity analysis requires powerful processors to run complex security tools and analyze large amounts of network data.

8.1 Processor and Memory

The M1 Pro Max chip combined with 64GB of memory can provide sufficient processing power for network security analysis.

# Example: Capture and analyze network data using Wireshark
$ wireshark
8.2 Storage

At least 1TB of storage space can ensure safe storage of network data.

9. 3D Artists and Animators

3D modeling and animation require powerful graphics processing capabilities.

9.1 Graphics Processor

The high-performance graphics processor of M2 Max or M3 Max can provide powerful support for 3D modeling and animation production.

# Example: Using Blender to create 3D models and animations
$ blender
9.2 Memory and Storage

At least 64GB of memory and 2TB of storage space can ensure the smooth progress of large-scale 3D projects.

10. Network Administrator

Network management requires the ability to quickly process large amounts of network data and run multiple network tools.

10.1 Processor and Memory

The M1 Pro Max chip combined with 64GB of memory can provide sufficient processing power for network management.

# Example: Network analysis using nmap and Wireshark
$ nmap -sS
$ wireshark
10.2 Storage

At least 1TB of storage space can ensure safe storage of network configuration and data.


In this article, we take a deep dive into the factors professionals in different industries should consider when choosing a MacBook configuration. From programmers, game developers, audio producers, to data scientists, machine learning engineers, filmmakers, cybersecurity experts, 3D artists, animators, and network administrators, each field has its specific needs and preferences.

We found that for most high-performance and resource-intensive applications, such as game development, 3D modeling and animation, video editing, etc., a high-performance graphics processor of the M2 Max or M3 Max along with at least 64GB of memory and a larger Storage space is very necessary. For areas such as program development, network security and network management, M1 Pro Max with 64GB of memory can usually meet the needs. At the same time, audio production and data analysis also have high requirements on memory and storage space.

Ultimately, which MacBook configuration to choose should be decided based on one’s professional needs and budget. In situations where performance and resources are high, investing in a high-configuration MacBook can provide professionals with unparalleled efficiency and experience. When the budget is limited, you can consider choosing a configuration that is more cost-effective and can also meet basic professional needs.

Through continuous technological development and innovation, we look forward to seeing more high-performance, high-efficiency and reasonably priced MacBook configuration options in the future to meet the diverse needs of professionals in different industries. At the same time, we also expect Apple to provide more customized configuration options for professionals in different industries to promote technological progress and professional development in various industries.

Reference materials

  • Apple MacBook Pro technical specifications
  • How programmers choose computer configurations

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Original Statement

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  • Original author: Maotouhu

Author wx: [libin9iOak]

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