Mastering File Locks: Using flock for seamless file synchronization between multiple processes

Use flock to achieve seamless file synchronization between multiple processes?

  • blogger profile
  • I. Introduction
  • 2. Overview of file locks
    • 2.1. Define file locks
    • 2.2. Types of file locks
    • 2.3. The role of file locks
  • 3. Use flock to implement file lock
    • 3.1 Introduction to flock
    • 3.2. How to use flock
    • 3.3, flock file lock command
    • 3.4. The help of flock for file synchronization
  • 4. Realize seamless file synchronization between multiple processes
    • 4.1. File synchronization problem between processes
    • 4.2. Steps to implement synchronization using Flock
    • 4.3. Handling race conditions
  • 5. Application practice
    • 5.1. The synchronization problem of two unrelated processes concurrently accessing the same file
    • 5.2. File synchronization tool implemented using flock
  • Summarize

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1. Introduction

The importance of file synchronization is to ensure that files across multiple processes or systems remain consistent. When multiple processes need to read and write the same file, if there is no file synchronization mechanism, data inconsistency may occur. For example, in a network file system, multiple clients simultaneously write to the same file. If there is no file synchronization mechanism, file content inconsistency or loss may occur.

File synchronization can solve the competition condition of concurrent writing and reading files, and ensure the consistency and integrity of files. Through the file synchronization mechanism, seamless file synchronization between multiple processes can be realized to avoid data loss and errors. File synchronization can also provide error handling and recovery mechanisms under abnormal conditions to ensure system reliability and stability.

In addition, file synchronization can also improve system performance. Through a reasonable file synchronization strategy, file read and write conflicts can be reduced, and the concurrent performance and responsiveness of the system can be improved. File synchronization can avoid conflicts, reduce latency, and improve system throughput and efficiency.

Therefore, file synchronization is critical to system reliability, consistency, and performance. Through the file synchronization mechanism, the consistency and integrity of files can be ensured, the reliability and stability of the system can be guaranteed, and the concurrent performance and response ability of the system can be improved.

2. Overview of file locks

2.1, define file lock

A file lock is a mechanism for controlling access to and manipulation of files. It prevents multiple processes or threads from reading and writing the same file at the same time, avoiding race conditions and data errors.

File locks are generally divided into two types: shared locks and exclusive locks. When a process acquires a shared lock, other processes can also acquire shared locks, but cannot acquire exclusive locks. And when one process acquires an exclusive lock, no other process can acquire a shared or exclusive lock.

File locks can be implemented through functions or system calls provided by the operating system, such as fcntl and flock. By calling these functions, a process can acquire, set, and release file locks. When a process acquires a file lock, other processes that try to acquire the same type of lock will be blocked until the file lock is released.

File locks can be used to avoid race conditions and data inconsistencies when reading and writing files concurrently. At the same time, file locks can also be used to control access to shared resources to ensure data integrity and consistency.

File locks are an important mechanism for controlling concurrent access to files and ensuring data consistency and integrity. It can be implemented through functions provided by the operating system and is critical to the reliability and performance of the system.

2.2. Types of file locks

There are two main types of file locks: shared locks and exclusive locks.

Shared Lock: Multiple processes can acquire shared locks at the same time, and can read file content concurrently, but cannot write. Shared locks can be used to implement concurrent reading by multiple processes, and shared locks are not mutually exclusive.

Exclusive lock: Only one process can acquire an exclusive lock, and other processes cannot acquire shared or exclusive locks at the same time. When one process acquires an exclusive lock, other processes cannot read or write the file contents. Exclusive locks are used to implement exclusive write operations to protect data consistency and integrity.

In addition to shared locks and exclusive locks, there are other types of locks, such as record locks (Record Lock), write locks (Write Lock), etc. Different types of file locks are suitable for different concurrent access scenarios, and which type of file lock to use depends on specific requirements and operations.

2.3, the role of file lock

The role of file locks is to protect concurrent access to files or data. It can avoid data inconsistency or corruption caused by multiple processes reading and writing the same file at the same time.

File locks can achieve the following functions:

  • Guarantee data consistency: When multiple processes access files at the same time, file locks can ensure that only one process can write, avoiding data conflicts or overwriting caused by simultaneous writing by multiple processes.

  • Preventing data corruption: file locks can prevent multiple processes from writing to the same file at the same time, avoiding data conflicts or overwriting during the writing process, thereby ensuring data integrity.

  • Ensure read and write sequence: file locks can limit the number of processes that access files at the same time, thereby ensuring the sequence of read and write operations, and avoiding the problems of not being able to read the latest data or writing overwritten caused by concurrent read and write.

  • Concurrent reading: The shared lock in the file lock can allow multiple processes to acquire the shared lock at the same time, so as to achieve concurrent reading of file content and improve reading efficiency.

3. Use flock to implement file lock

3.1 Introduction to flock

A file lock (flock) is a mechanism for controlling file access on Unix and Unix-like systems. It is a way to achieve synchronization and mutual exclusion at the file level, designed to prevent data inconsistency or race conditions caused by multiple processes reading and writing the same file at the same time.

File locks are usually used in multi-process or multi-thread environments to ensure that when a process or thread is accessing a file, other processes or threads cannot perform the same or similar operations at the same time, thereby avoiding data conflicts and corruption.

In Unix systems, there are two common types of file locks:

Shared Lock (Shared Lock): Multiple processes can hold a shared lock at the same time, allowing them to open the file read-only, but not for writing. This is suitable for situations where multiple processes need to read the contents of the file, but will not modify the file.

Exclusive Lock: An exclusive lock is exclusive and can only be held by one process at a time. A process holding an exclusive lock can read and write the contents of the file, and other processes cannot hold shared or exclusive locks at the same time.

The purpose of using file locks is to ensure that access to files is thread-safe and to prevent data races and corruption between different processes. File locks are often used in programming to handle concurrent access to shared resources to ensure data integrity and consistency.

3.2 How to use flock

In the Linux environment, you can use the flock function to lock files.

The declaration of the flock function is as follows:

int flock(int fd, int operation);

The function accepts two parameters:

  • fd: file descriptor, indicating the file to be locked.
  • operation: the locking operation, which can be one of the following values:
    • LOCK_SH: Shared lock, used when reading files, multiple processes can add shared locks at the same time.
    • LOCK_EX: Exclusive lock, used when writing files, only one process can add an exclusive lock.
    • LOCK_UN: Unlock, used to release locked files.

The sample code is as follows:

#include <unistd.h>
#include <fcntl.h>

int main() {<!-- -->
    int fd = open("file.txt", O_RDWR); // open the file
    if (fd == -1) {<!-- -->
        perror("open"); // failed to open the file
        return -1;

    if (flock(fd, LOCK_EX) == -1) {<!-- --> // add exclusive lock
        perror("flock"); // lock failed
        close(fd); // close the file
        return -1;

    // Read and write operations on the file

    if (flock(fd, LOCK_UN) == -1) {<!-- --> // unlock
        perror("flock"); // unlock failed

    close(fd); // close the file

    return 0;

In the code, first use the open function to open the file, then use the flock function to lock, and specify an exclusive lock. After reading and writing to the file, use the flock function to unlock it and use the close function to close the file.

Note: The flock function is only valid for the same process. To lock files between different processes, you need to use other mechanisms, such as the F_SETLK command of the fcntl function or the file lock (flock) command.

3.3, flock file lock command

flock is a command-line tool for file locking on Unix/Linux systems. It allows processes to use file locking mechanisms when accessing shared resources to ensure data integrity and consistency and prevent data races and corruption. The flock command can be used in shell scripts or directly in the terminal.

The basic syntax of the flock command is as follows:

flock [options] <file> <command>

Among them, file is the path of the target file that needs to be locked, and command is the command to be executed after obtaining the file lock. When the command execution is complete, the file lock is automatically released.

The flock command supports the following commonly used options:

  • -c, –command : Specifies the command to execute after acquiring the file lock. Commands can be enclosed in single quotes to prevent the shell from interpreting them.
  • -s, –shared: Use a shared lock. Multiple processes can hold shared locks at the same time.
  • -x, –exclusive: Use an exclusive lock. An exclusive lock can only be held by one process at a time.
  • –timeout : Set the timeout period for acquiring the lock. If the lock cannot be acquired within the specified time, the command execution will fail.
  • –help: Display help information.

Here are a few usage examples of the flock command:

  • Run a command with an exclusive lock:
flock -x /tmp/lockfile.lock some_command

This tries to acquire an exclusive lock on the file named /tmp/lockfile.lock, and if successful, executes some_command.

  • Run a command with a shared lock:
flock -s /tmp/lockfile.lock some_command

This attempts to acquire a shared lock on the file named /tmp/lockfile.lock, and if successful, executes some_command.

  • Execute a script after acquiring the lock:
flock /tmp/lockfile.lock -c 'echo "This is a locked operation"'

This acquires an exclusive lock on the /tmp/lockfile.lock file and executes the echo “This is a locked operation” command.

Note: When using the flock command, you need to have read and write permissions to the directory where the target file is located, otherwise permission problems may occur. At the same time, the flock command can only lock files, and cannot lock across processes or computers. In the scenario of cross-process communication, other mechanisms need to be used to achieve synchronization between processes.

3.4, flock’s help for file synchronization

The flock function helps with file synchronization. File synchronization refers to the control of access to shared files in a multi-process or multi-thread environment to avoid data inconsistencies or race conditions. The flock function can be used to lock during file access to ensure that only one process (or thread) can access the file at the same time, thereby avoiding the problem of concurrent access.

When a process acquires an exclusive lock (LOCK_EX), other processes attempting to lock with LOCK_SH or LOCK_EX will be blocked, thus ensuring mutual exclusive access to files. If the LOCK_SH shared lock is used, other processes can read the file with LOCK_SH lock, but the write operation locked with LOCK_EX will be blocked, thus realizing the access strategy of read sharing and write exclusive.

It should be noted that the flock function is based on file descriptors, so if the same file is opened multiple times with different file descriptors, you need to ensure that each file descriptor is correctly locked and unlocked, otherwise the file synchronization mechanism may be invalid . Moreover, the flock function is only valid between processes of the same operating system, and file locks between processes of different operating systems may not have mutual exclusion.

When locking files, it is recommended to catch and handle errors at appropriate locations to avoid potential problems.

4. Realize seamless file synchronization between multiple processes

4.1, file synchronization between processes

The problem of file synchronization between processes is an important concurrent programming problem. When multiple processes access the same file at the same time, it is necessary to ensure the correctness and consistency of the data to avoid race conditions and data inconsistencies.

In Unix/Linux systems, file locks (file locks) can be used to solve file synchronization problems between processes. File lock is a synchronization mechanism that prevents multiple processes from reading and writing the same file at the same time, thereby ensuring data integrity.

Common file locking mechanisms include:

  • flock function: The flock function is a file locking function provided by the Unix/Linux system, which can lock and unlock the entire file. You can use LOCK_SH to implement read shared locks (multiple processes can read files at the same time), use LOCK_EX to implement write exclusive locks (only one process can write to files), and use LOCK_UN to unlock files.

  • fcntl function: The fcntl function is also a file control function provided by the Unix/Linux system, which realizes locking and unlocking by setting the attributes of the file descriptor. You can use the F_SETLK command to set a lock and the F_UNLCK command to unlock a file.

When using file locks, you need to pay attention to:

  • If the same file is opened multiple times with different file descriptors, each file descriptor needs to be correctly locked and unlocked, otherwise the file synchronization mechanism may be invalid.

  • File locks are only valid between processes of the same operating system, and file locks between processes of different operating systems are not mutually exclusive.

  • The granularity of the file lock can be the entire file, or a certain area of the file (record lock). A record lock is a finer-grained lock that locks a portion of a file rather than the entire file.

  • When locking files, it is recommended to catch and handle errors at appropriate locations to avoid potential problems.

The file synchronization problem between processes can be solved by using the file lock mechanism reasonably to ensure that multiple processes access shared files in an orderly manner, thereby ensuring the correctness and consistency of data.

4.2. Steps to use Flock to achieve synchronization

The steps to implement file synchronization using the flock function are as follows:

  1. To open the file that needs to be synchronized, you can use the open function to open the file and obtain the file descriptor. For example: int fd = open("filename", O_RDWR);

  2. Where the file needs to be locked, use the flock function to lock the file. The prototype of the flock function is: int flock(int fd, int operation); Among them, fd is the file descriptor, and operation is the operation to be performed. It can be LOCK_SH to indicate a shared lock (read lock), and LOCK_EX to indicate Exclusive lock (write lock), LOCK_UN means unlock.

  3. After the locking operation is performed, it is necessary to judge whether the locking is successful. If the locking fails, it can be judged by the return value. Generally, -1 is returned to indicate that the locking failed. You can use perror("flock"); to output error information for debugging.

  4. After the file operation is completed, it needs to be unlocked. Use the flock function, and set the operation parameter to LOCK_UN, which means unlocking. For example: flock(fd, LOCK_UN);

  5. Finally, use the close function to close the file descriptor and release resources. For example: close(fd);

Note: File locks are in units of processes, so when using the flock function for file synchronization between different processes, it is necessary to ensure that they operate on the same file and use the same file descriptor. At the same time, you also need to pay attention to the order of locking and unlocking to avoid problems such as deadlocks.

4.3, Handling race conditions

Dealing with race conditions is a frequently faced problem in multi-process or multi-threaded environments. Race conditions refer to multiple processes (or threads) accessing shared resources at the same time, and the order of access to these resources is uncertain, which may lead to unexpected results. In file operations, race conditions can lead to data corruption or inconsistent results.

Using file locks (flock function) can deal with race conditions to a certain extent, but it cannot completely solve all problems. General strategy for dealing with race conditions:

  • Use file locks: By setting file locks before and after critical code segments, ensure that only one process (or thread) can access shared resources at a time. This prevents multiple processes from writing to the file at the same time, thereby reducing the occurrence of race conditions.

  • Lock order: If multiple processes need to access multiple resources at the same time, it is recommended to lock in a uniform order to avoid deadlock. A deadlock is a situation in which multiple processes wait for each other to release resources, resulting in the inability of all processes to continue executing.

  • Critical section protection: Limit access to shared resources to the critical section. A critical section refers to a piece of code that acquires a lock before the process enters the code section and releases the lock after leaving the code section. This ensures that access to shared resources will not be interrupted by other processes.

  • Use synchronization tools: In addition to file locks, you can also use other synchronization tools, such as mutexes, condition variables, etc., to protect access to shared resources. Different synchronization tools are suitable for different scenarios and need to be selected according to the specific situation.

  • Well-designed algorithms: In a multi-process or multi-thread environment, try to avoid complex synchronization and race conditions, and try to use simple and thread-safe algorithms and data structures to reduce potential problems.

  • Error handling: For the operation of file locks or other synchronization tools, check the return value in time to find out the failure of locking or unlocking, and perform corresponding error handling.

5. Application practice

5.1, the synchronization problem of two unrelated processes concurrently accessing the same file

If two unrelated processes concurrently access the same file at the same time, a file lock (File Lock) can be used for synchronization to ensure the mutual exclusion of each process when accessing the file.

Process A:

#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <unistd.h>

int main() {<!-- -->
    // open a file
    int file = open("example.txt", O_RDWR);
    // get the file lock
    struct flock fl;
    fl.l_type = F_WRLCK; // write lock
    fl.l_whence = SEEK_SET;
    fl.l_start = 0;
    fl.l_len = 0;
    fl. l_pid = getpid();
    fcntl(file, F_SETLKW, & amp;fl); // block to acquire file lock
    // write to file
    std::ofstream ofs("example.txt");
    ofs << "Hello from Process A!" << std::endl;
    ofs. close();
    // Release the file lock
    fl.l_type = F_UNLCK;
    fcntl(file, F_SETLK, &fl);
    // close the file
    return 0;

Process B:

#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <unistd.h>

int main() {<!-- -->
    // open a file
    int file = open("example.txt", O_RDWR);
    // get the file lock
    struct flock fl;
    fl.l_type = F_WRLCK; // write lock
    fl.l_whence = SEEK_SET;
    fl.l_start = 0;
    fl.l_len = 0;
    fl. l_pid = getpid();
    fcntl(file, F_SETLKW, & amp;fl); // block to acquire file lock
    // write to file
    std::ofstream ofs("example.txt", std::ios_base::app);
    ofs << "Hello from Process B!" << std::endl;
    ofs. close();
    // Release the file lock
    fl.l_type = F_UNLCK;
    fcntl(file, F_SETLK, &fl);
    // close the file
    return 0;

Process A and process B each use file locks to ensure mutual exclusion when each process writes to the file. Process A writes its own message to the file after acquiring the write lock. Process B also appends its own message to the file after acquiring the write lock. Finally, both processes release the file lock separately.

The use of file locks can ensure that multiple unrelated processes are synchronized when concurrently accessing the same file, and avoid data races and inconsistencies.

5.2, a file synchronization tool implemented using flock

When using the flock function in C++ to implement the file synchronization tool, it is necessary to include the corresponding header file and write the corresponding code logic. The following is a simple example: read and write operations for file synchronization using flock in a Unix environment.

#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <fstream>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <unistd.h>

// The function is used to acquire a shared lock and write data to the file
void writeToFile(const std::string & amp; filename, const std::string & amp; data) {<!-- -->
    int fileDescriptor = open(filename. c_str(), O_WRONLY | O_CREAT, 0666);
    if (fileDescriptor == -1) {<!-- -->
        std::cerr << "Error opening file: " << filename << std::endl;

    if (flock(fileDescriptor, LOCK_SH | LOCK_NB) == -1) {<!-- -->
        std::cerr << "Error acquiring shared lock on file: " << filename << std::endl;

    // After acquiring the lock, write the data to the file
    std::ofstream outfile;, std::ios::app);
    outfile << data << std::endl;
    outfile. close();

    // Release the lock and close the file
    flock(fileDescriptor, LOCK_UN);

// The function is used to acquire a shared lock and read data from the file
std::string readFromFile(const std::string & filename) {<!-- -->
    int fileDescriptor = open(filename. c_str(), O_RDONLY);
    if (fileDescriptor == -1) {<!-- -->
        std::cerr << "Error opening file: " << filename << std::endl;
        return "";

    if (flock(fileDescriptor, LOCK_SH | LOCK_NB) == -1) {<!-- -->
        std::cerr << "Error acquiring shared lock on file: " << filename << std::endl;
        return "";

    // After acquiring the lock, read data from the file
    std::ifstream infile;;
    std::string data;
    std::string line;
    while (std::getline(infile, line)) {<!-- -->
        data + = line + "\
    infile. close();

    // Release the lock and close the file
    flock(fileDescriptor, LOCK_UN);

    return data;

int main() {<!-- -->
    std::string filename = "example.txt";

    // write data to file
    writeToFile(filename, "Hello, World!");

    // read data from file
    std::string data = readFromFile(filename);
    std::cout << "Data read from file: " << std::endl << data << std::endl;

    return 0;


  1. Requirements for file synchronization: Introduces why file synchronization is a necessary and common requirement in a multi-process environment. Covers data errors and consistency issues that may result from concurrent reading and writing of files.

  2. Basic usage of the flock command: introduces the syntax and common parameters of the flock command in detail, and how to use the flock command to lock and unlock files in Shell scripts or programs.

  3. File synchronization using flock: Provides specific steps and code examples for using the flock command to achieve seamless file synchronization between multiple processes. Emphasis is placed on the principles and correct posture of acquiring and releasing file locks to avoid deadlocks and race conditions.

  4. Types and scopes of locks: Explains the different types and scopes of file locks provided by the flock command, including shared locks and exclusive locks. Considerations for choosing the appropriate lock type in different scenarios are discussed.

  5. Comparison of other file synchronization methods: Briefly compare the flock command with other common file synchronization methods, such as fcntl, pthread, etc. The advantages, disadvantages and scope of application of various methods are analyzed.

  6. Best Practices and Considerations: Summarizes the best practices and considerations to follow when using the flock command for file synchronization. Including reasonably designing the granularity of file locks, correctly handling abnormal situations, and paying attention to the timing of lock release, etc.