js to achieve seamless scrolling up, down, left and right

Scroll left <!DOCTYPE html> <html lang=”en”> <head> <meta charset=”UTF-8″> <meta http-equiv=”X-UA-Compatible” content=”IE=edge”> <meta name=”viewport” content=”width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0″> <title>Seamless scrolling scroll left</title> <style> * {<!– –> margin: 0; padding: 0; } #wrapper {<!– –> cursor: pointer; width: 600px; height: 200px; border: 1px solid pink; overflow: hidden; display: flex; margin: auto; } .scroll_content {<!– –> display: flex; } […]

Seamless integration: One-click deployment of front-end and back-end separation projects to quickly build powerful containerized applications

One-click deployment of front-end and back-end separation projects to quickly build powerful containerized applications Article directory One-click deployment of front-end and back-end separation projects to quickly build powerful containerized applications About the author 1. Search for nginx mirror 2. Pull the nginx image 3. Run the image 4. Create a new directory `nginx` under the […]

SpringCloud microservice architecture: achieving seamless collaboration in distributed systems

This is a community that may be useful to you One-to-one communication/interview brochure/resume optimization/job search questions, welcome to join the “Yudao Rapid Development Platform” Knowledge Planet. The following is some information provided by Planet: “Project Practice (Video)”: Learn from books, “practice” from past events “Internet High Frequency Interview Questions”: Studying with your resume, spring blossoms […]

Spring Cloud microservice architecture: achieving seamless collaboration in distributed systems

Article directory 1. What is microservice architecture? 2. Introduction to Spring Cloud 3. Build microservices using Spring Cloud 3.1 Create Spring Boot application 3.2 Add Spring Cloud dependency 3.3 Configuring the application 3.4 Create REST endpoint 3.5 Connecting various services 3.6 Start the Eureka server 4. Build a distributed system 4.1 Service registration and discovery […]

Vue3 implements a seamless scrolling component (supports manual mouse scrolling)

Vue3 implements a seamless scrolling component (supports manual mouse scrolling) Foreword In daily development, we often encounter the need to support list loop scrolling display. Especially in data-based large-screen development, seamless scrolling is used more frequently. In the jquery era, our commonly used seamless scrolling component is liMarquee. In vue There is already a vue-seamless-scroll […]

Seamless image splicing project based on Python design

Resource download address: https://download.csdn.net/download/sheziqiong/88251303 Resource download address: https://download.csdn.net/download/sheziqiong/88251303 Seamless image stitching Operating instructions First install the dependent third-party libraries: sudo apt install cmake libcgal-dev libcgal-qt5-dev sudo pip2 install opencv-python Then compile the C++ file: cmake . make Generate the executable file main in the current directory. Use command ./main <args> You can run or view […]

Mastering File Locks: Using flock for seamless file synchronization between multiple processes

Use flock to achieve seamless file synchronization between multiple processes? blogger profile I. Introduction 2. Overview of file locks 2.1. Define file locks 2.2. Types of file locks 2.3. The role of file locks 3. Use flock to implement file lock 3.1 Introduction to flock 3.2. How to use flock 3.3, flock file lock command […]

Easily realize the seamless integration of Spring Boot and FastDFS

Family! , In the last article, we talked about how to use docker-compose to quickly deploy fastdfs. In today’s article, I will introduce how to seamlessly integrate Spring Boot with FastDFS to efficiently manage and operate file storage. Through this integration, you will be able to easily implement functions such as file upload and download […]