Obtain sea breeze data and calculate sea breeze changes

1. Sea breeze raw data can be downloaded from the NOAA website in the United States https://www.ncei.noaa.gov/data/blended-global-sea-surface-wind-products/access/winds/daily/ 2. Taking the daily data in 2018 as an example, the program code for downloading sea breeze raw data using terminal commands is as follows. for string in uv20180114rt.nc uv20180115rt.nc uv20180116rt.nc uv20180117rt.nc uv20180118rt.nc uv20180119rt.nc uv20180120rt.nc uv20180121rt.nc uv2018 0122rt.nc […]

The difference between “==”, hashcode, equals and string constant pool in Breeze·6·JAVA

vector thread-safe collection The bottom layer of hashset is hashmap Article directory 1 What is the difference between “==” and equals? 1.1 Explanation of “==” 1.2 “equals” explained 1.3 Points to note: equals cannot compare basic data types 1.4 Integter cache array 1.4.1 Introduce case discovery problem 1.4.2 Interpreting cache arrays 1.5 String constant pool […]