QComboBox, QFrame, QLabel

QComboBox 1. Description QComboBox provides a way to present a list of options to the user in a way that takes up the least amount of screen real estate. QComboBox uses a model/view framework for its popup list and stores its items. By default, QStandardItemModel stores items and QListView subclasses display popup lists. The model […]

Qt input widget programming (1) QComboBox and QFontComboBox

Article directory foreword 1. Qt commonly used input window controls 2. QFontComboBox and QComboBox control programming 2.1 Introduction to Controls 2.1.1 QComboBox combo box 2.1.2 QFontComboBox font combo box 2.2 Routine function design 2.3 Effect of routine execution 2.4 Generating the project 2.5 Code editing 2.5.1 Modify the project file _qcombobox.pro 2.5.2 Modify `main.cpp` 2.5.3 […]

[Qt] Customize the QComboBox to implement the drop-down option to add the delete button, press Enter to add the option

Article directory foreword 1.comboview.h 2.comboview.cpp 3. Effect display Summarize Foreword Record Qt’s custom QComboBox drop-down option to add delete button function. Reminder: The following is the text of this article, the following case is for reference 1.comboview.h The code is as follows (example): #ifndef COMBOVIEW_H #define COMBOVIEW_H #include <QDebug> #include <QStyle> #include <QLayout> #include <QLineEdit> […]

051.PyQt5_QComboBox_drop-down selection box

QComboBox drop-down selection box Description It is a combined control, which displays the smallest space for the user to operate by default. You can select more preset options through the drop-down selection interface Inherited from: QWidget Functional role Constructor QComboBox(parent: QWidget = None) # Create the QComboBox object and set the parent object at the […]