In-depth analysis of ReentrantLock: a powerful tool in Java multi-threading

In Java multi-threaded programming, locks are a key technology used to protect shared resources and ensure thread safety. ReentrantLock (reentrant lock) is one of the powerful and flexible lock mechanisms in Java. This article will provide an in-depth analysis of the principle and usage of ReentrantLock. By studying this article, you will better understand how […]

Java Core 05-AQS&ReentrantLock&Synchronized and other lock principles

AQS(AbstractQueueSynchronizer) Overview of AQS principles AQS means abstract queue synchronizer. Lock and other concurrency tool classes under the JUC package are implemented based on it. AQS maintains a volatile-modified state variable and a CLH (FIFO) two-way queue. The core idea of AQS is that if the requested shared resource is idle, the thread currently requesting […]

synchronized and ReentrantLock

Overview The differences between synchronized and ReentrantLock are as follows: The pseudocode for the two lock usage methods is as follows: // **************************How to use Synchronized*************** *********** // 1. Used for code blocks synchronized (this) {<!– –>} // 2. Used for objects synchronized (object) {<!– –>} // 3. Used for methods public synchronized void test […]

Brief analysis of ReentrantLock source code

Concept ReentrantLock, reentrant lock. In multi-threading, thread safety can be ensured through locking. Lock and Unlock Lock: public void lock() { sync.lock(); } Unlock public void unlock() { sync.release(1); } The internal class Sync inherits AQS (AbstractQueuedSynchronizer), so it can maintain the state variable state, acquire the state through acquire(), and release the state through […]

Concurrent programming – ReentrantLock

Article directory Introduction to ReentrantLock The difference between synchronized and lock ReentrantLock source code The lock method of ReentrantLock ReentrantLock’s acquire method ReentrantLock’s tryAcquire method ReentrantLock’s addWaiter method acquireQueued method of ReentrantLock Unlock method of ReentrantLock Introduction to ReentrantLock Locks are provided in Java, generally synchronized and lock locks. ReentrantLock, like synchronized, is a mutex […]

Multithreading and concurrent programming (3)-mutex lock implemented by AQS and ReentrantLock

1. Pipe process model-MESA model What is a management process? The monitor refers to the management of shared variables and related operations on shared variables. In the history of tube process development, three different tube process models have appeared successively, namely Hasen model, Hoare model and MESA model. What is now widely used is the […]

Master Java Concurrency: ReentrantLock Principles, Applications and Best Practices

1. Introduction to ReentrantLock 1.1 What is ReentrantLock ReentrantLock is an important class in the Java concurrency package (java.util.concurrent.locks), used to implement reentrant mutex locks. It provides a synchronization mechanism that replaces the synchronized keyword, and also provides more advanced synchronization functions, such as interruptible synchronization operations, synchronization operations with timeouts, and fair lock strategies. […]

ReentrantLock principle

You can see that ReentrantLock provides two synchronizers to implement fair locks and unfair locks, both inherited from AQS. The default is unfair lock! The following is the source code analysis of ReentrantLock: Lock source code // Sync inherits from AQS static final class NonfairSync extends Sync {<!– –> private static final long serialVersionUID = […]

ReentrantLock principle

1. The beginning of ReentrantLock principle ReentrantLock (reentrant lock) is used a lot in daily concurrent programming. The exclusive lock and shared lock implemented based on it are powerful. It also implements fair locks, unfair locks, satisfies reentrancy, etc., so so The powerful lock synchronization mechanism, how is it constructed and implemented internally? Let’s start […]

The difference between synchronized and ReentrantLock

1. Underlying implementation synchronized is a lock at the JVM level, a Java keyword, and is accomplished through monitor objects (monitorenter and monitorexit). The object can only call the wait/notify method in a synchronized block or synchronized method. ReentrantLock has been used since jdk1.5 (java.util API-level locks provided by .concurrent.locks.Lock). The implementation of synchronized involves […]