Automatically obtain computer hardware configuration information into csv files, supporting batch operations on multiple computers

The following code is modified from qop_dob’s sharing. It has been partially modified based on the original author’s work. It can be exported as a csv file and supports batch operations on multiple computers to improve work efficiency. Thanks to the original author for sharing. To respect the original author, the modified code still retains the relevant information of the original author. This program can be copied to a USB flash drive and run directly on multiple computers using the USB flash drive. Each computer generates one line of data.

Original batch processing link: Write a bat file to automatically obtain computer configuration information_Baidu Knows (

csv file sample:

Copy the following code and paste it into Notepad, save it as xx.bat, and select ANSI for encoding?

' & amp;rem is modified on the basis of qop_dob sharing. It will generate a csv file. This program can be copied to a USB flash drive and run directly on multiple computers. Each computer generates one line of data.
' & amp;rem In order to unify the csv file format, multiple CPUs, multiple hard disks and other devices are merged into one cell for output and separated by ||

' 2>nul 3>nul & amp;cls & amp;@echo off
' &rem Get the local system and hardware configuration information
' & amp;set #=Any question & amp;set @=WX & amp;set $=Q & amp;set/a z=0x53b7e0b4 ' (This is the original shared author information and will be retained)
' & amp;title %#% + %$%%$%/%@% %z% (This is the original shared author information and will be retained)
' & amp;cd /d "%~dp0"
' & amp;cscript -nologo -e:vbscript "%~fs0"
' & amp;echo;%#% + %$%%$%/%@% %z% (This is the original shared author information and will be retained)
' &echo; &echo;The sys.csv file has been generated at the running location, one line per computer &echo;
' &pause &exit

outfile="sys.csv" 'Specify the output file name

On Error Resume Next
Set fso=CreateObject("Scripting.Filesystemobject")
Set ws=CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
Set wmi=GetObject("winmgmts:\.\root\cimv2")

If Not fso.FileExists(outfile) Then 'Determine whether the file exists
Set File = fso.OpenTextFile(outfile, 8, True) 'Open the file, create it if it does not exist, and write in append mode
File.WriteLine "Username, workgroup, domain, computer name, system type, operating system, system version number, installation date, manufacturer, model, motherboard manufacturer, motherboard serial number, BIOS name, BIOS manufacturer, BIOS release Date, BIOS version, CPU (serial number/name/core/thread), total physical memory, total virtual memory, memory module (serial number/capacity/clock frequency/manufacturer), hard disk (name/interface/capacity/number of partitions), Partition (drive letter/format/capacity/free space), network card (name/connection name/MAC/IP), graphics card (name/video memory/refresh rate/horizontal/vertical resolution), sound card, camera, printer" 'Write Header
Set File = fso.OpenTextFile(outfile, 8, True) 'Open an existing file and write in append mode
End If

'fso.DeleteFile outfile 'Delete file
'Set File = fso.OpenTextFile(outfile, 8, True) 'Open the file, create it if it does not exist, and write in append mode
'File.WriteLine "Username, workgroup, domain, computer name, system type, operating system, system version number, installation date, manufacturer, model, motherboard manufacturer, motherboard serial number, BIOS name, BIOS manufacturer, BIOS Release date, BIOS version, CPU (serial number/name/core/thread), total physical memory, total virtual memory, memory module (serial number/capacity/clock frequency/manufacturer), hard disk (name/interface/capacity/number of partitions) , partition (drive letter/format/capacity/free space), network card (name/connection name/MAC/IP), graphics card (name/video memory/refresh rate/horizontal/vertical resolution), sound card, printer" 'Write to table head

WSH.echo "---------------System-------------"
Set query=wmi.ExecQuery("Select * from Win32_ComputerSystem")
For each item in query
    WSH.echo "Current User=" & amp; item.UserName
    WSH.echo "workgroup=" & item.Workgroup
    WSH.echo "domain=" & amp; item.Domain
    'WSH.echo "Computer Name=" & amp; item.Name
'If the computer name has just been modified and it has not been restarted, use the following two lines of code to obtain the new computer name.
Set reg = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
    WSH.echo "New computer name=" & reg.RegRead("HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\ComputerName\ComputerName\ComputerName") 'Use the key value in the registry to get the new computer name
    WSH.echo "SystemType=" & amp; item.SystemType
    parts = Split(item.UserName,"") 'Use \ as the delimiter to split the user name with the computer name
'If the computer name has just been changed and it has not been restarted, use the second line of code below to get the new computer name
    'File.Write parts(UBound(parts)) & amp; "," & amp; item.Workgroup & amp; "," & amp; item.Domain & amp; "," & amp; item.Name & amp; "," & amp; item.SystemType & amp; ","
File.Write parts(UBound(parts)) & amp; "," & amp; item.Workgroup & amp; "," & amp; item.Domain & amp; "," & amp; reg.RegRead("HKLM\ SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\ComputerName\ComputerName\ComputerName") & amp; "," & amp; item.SystemType & amp; ","

Set query=wmi.ExecQuery("Select * from Win32_OperatingSystem")
For each item in query
    WSH.echo "System=" & amp; item.Caption & amp; "[" & amp; item.Version & amp; "]"
    WSH.echo "Initial installation date=" & amp; item.InstallDate
    File.Write item.Caption & amp; "," & amp; item.Version & amp; "," & amp; item.InstallDate & amp; ","
Set query=wmi.ExecQuery("Select * from Win32_ComputerSystemProduct")
For each item in query
    WSH.echo "Manufacturer=" & amp; item.Vendor
    WSH.echo "model=" & item.Name
    File.Write item.Vendor & amp; "," & amp; item.Name & amp; ","
WSH.echo "---------------Motherboard BIOS-------------"
Set query=wmi.ExecQuery("Select * from Win32_BaseBoard")
For each item in query
    WSH.echo "Manufacturer=" & item.Manufacturer
    WSH.echo "Serial Number=" & amp; item.SerialNumber
    File.Write item.Manufacturer & amp; "," & amp; item.SerialNumber & amp; ","
Set query=wmi.ExecQuery("Select * from Win32_BIOS")
For each item in query
    WSH.echo "name=" & item.Name
    WSH.echo "BIOSManufacturer=" & amp; item.Manufacturer
    WSH.echo "ReleaseDate=" & amp; item.ReleaseDate
    WSH.echo "version=" & item.SMBIOSBIOSVersion
    File.Write item.Name & amp; "," & amp; item.Manufacturer & amp; "," & amp; item.ReleaseDate & amp; "," & amp; item.SMBIOSBIOSVersion & amp; ","
WSH.echo "---------------CPU-------------"
Set query=wmi.ExecQuery("Select * from WIN32_PROCESSOR")
For each item in query
    WSH.echo "serial number=" & amp; item.DeviceID
    WSH.echo "name=" & item.Name
    WSH.echo "core=" & item.NumberOfCores
    WSH.echo "thread=" & item.NumberOfLogicalProcessors
    if i>0 Then
File.Write " || "
    End If
File.Write item.DeviceID & amp; "/" & amp; item.Name & amp; "/" & amp; item.NumberOfCores & amp; "/" & amp; item.NumberOfLogicalProcessors
File.Write ","

WSH.echo "---------------Memory-------------"
WSH.echo "Total physical memory=" & amp; FormatNumber(visiblemem/1048576,0,True) & amp; "GB"
WSH.echo "Total virtual memory=" & FormatNumber(virtualmem/1048576,0,True) & "GB"
File.Write FormatNumber(visiblemem/1048576,0,True) & amp; "," & amp; FormatNumber(virtualmem/1048576,0,True) & amp; ","
Set query=wmi.ExecQuery("Select * from Win32_PhysicalMemory")
For each item in query
    WSH.echo "serial number=" & amp; item.Tag
    WSH.echo "Capacity=" & amp; FormatSize(item.Capacity)
    WSH.echo "frequency=" & amp; item.Speed
    WSH.echo "Manufacturer=" & item.Manufacturer
    if i>0 Then
File.Write " || "
    End If
    File.Write item.Tag & amp; "/" & amp; FormatSize(item.Capacity) & amp; "/" & amp; item.Speed & amp; "/" & amp; item.Manufacturer
File.Write ","
WSH.echo "--------------hard disk-------------"
Set query=wmi.ExecQuery("Select * from Win32_DiskDrive")
For each item in query
    WSH.echo "name=" & item.Caption
    WSH.echo "Interface=" & amp; item.InterfaceType
    WSH.echo "capacity=" & amp; FormatSize(item.Size)
    WSH.echo "Number of partitions=" & amp; item.Partitions
if i>0 Then
File.Write " || "
End If
File.Write item.Caption & amp; "/" & amp; item.InterfaceType & amp; "/" & amp; FormatSize(item.Size) & amp; "/" & amp; item.Partitions
File.Write ","
Set query=wmi.ExecQuery("Select * from Win32_LogicalDisk Where DriveType=3 or DriveType=2")
For each item in query
    WSH.echo item.Caption & amp; Chr(9) & amp; item.FileSystem & amp; Chr(9) & amp; FormatSize(item.Size) & amp; Chr(9) & amp; FormatSize(item.FreeSpace )
if i>0 Then
File.Write " || "
End If
    File.Write item.Caption & amp; "/" & amp; item.FileSystem & amp; "/" & amp; FormatSize(item.Size) & amp; "/" & amp; FormatSize(item.FreeSpace)
File.Write ","
WSH.echo "--------------network card-------------"
Set query=wmi.ExecQuery("Select * from Win32_NetworkAdapter Where NetConnectionID !=null and not Name like '%Virtual%'")
For each item in query
    WSH.echo "name=" & item.Name
    WSH.echo "Connection name=" & amp; item.NetConnectionID
    WSH.echo "MAC=" & item.MACAddress
if i>0 Then
File.Write " || "
End If
File.Write item.Name & amp; "/" & amp; item.NetConnectionID & amp; "/" & amp; item.MACAddress
    Set query2=wmi.ExecQuery("Select * from Win32_NetworkAdapterConfiguration Where Index=" & amp; item.Index)
    For each item2 in query2
        If typeName(item2.IPAddress) <> "Null" Then
            WSH.echo "IP=" & item2.IPAddress(0)
File.Write "/" & item2.IPAddress(0)
        End If
File.Write ","
WSH.echo "--------------show-------------"
Set query=wmi.ExecQuery("Select * from Win32_VideoController")
For each item in query
    WSH.echo "name=" & item.Name
    WSH.echo "Video Memory=" & FormatSize(Abs(item.AdapterRAM))
    WSH.echo "Current refresh rate=" & amp; item.CurrentRefreshRate
    WSH.echo "Horizontal Resolution=" & amp; item.CurrentHorizontalResolution
    WSH.echo "Vertical Resolution=" & amp; item.CurrentVerticalResolution
if i>0 Then
File.Write " || "
End If
File.Write item.Name & amp; "/" & amp; FormatSize(Abs(item.AdapterRAM)) & amp; "/" & amp; item.CurrentRefreshRate & amp; "Hz/" & amp; item.CurrentHorizontalResolution & amp; "/" & amp; item.CurrentVerticalResolution
File.Write ","
WSH.echo "--------------sound card-------------"
Set query=wmi.ExecQuery("Select * from WIN32_SoundDevice")
For each item in query
    WSH.echo item.Name
if i>0 Then
File.Write " || "
End If
File.Write item.Name
File.Write ","

WSH.echo "---------------Camera-------------"
Set query=wmi.ExecQuery("Select * from Win32_PnPEntity where Service='usbvideo'")
For each item in query
    WSH.echo "serial number=" & amp; item.DeviceID
    WSH.echo "name=" & item.Name
    WSH.echo "Manufacturer=" & item.Manufacturer
    WSH.echo "status=" & item.Status
    if i>0 Then
File.Write " || "
    End If
File.Write item.DeviceID & amp; "/" & amp; item.Name & amp; "/" & amp; item.Manufacturer & amp; "/" & amp; item.Status
File.Write ","

WSH.echo "--------------Printer-------------"
Set query=wmi.ExecQuery("Select * from Win32_Printer")
For each item in query
    If item.Default =True Then
        WSH.echo item.Name & "(Default)"
        WSH.echo item.Name
    End If
if i>0 Then
File.Write " || "
End If
    If item.Default =True Then
        File.Write item.Name & "(Default)"
        File.Write item.Name
    End If
File.Write vbNewLine 'New line at the end of the line, alternate for different platforms: File.Write vbCrLf

Function FormatSize(byVal t)
    If t >= 1099511627776 Then
        FormatSize = FormatNumber(t/1099511627776, 2, true) & amp; "TB"
    ElseIf t >= 1073741824 Then
        FormatSize = FormatNumber(t/1073741824, 0, true) & amp; "GB"
    ElseIf t >= 1048576 Then
        FormatSize = FormatNumber(t/1048576, 0, true) & amp; "MB"
    ElseIf t >= 1024 Then
        FormatSize = FormatNumber(t/1024, 0, true) & amp; "KB"
        FormatSize = t & "B"
    End If
End Function

File.Close 'Close the file