R language Bayesian METROPOLIS-HASTINGS GIBBS Gibbs sampler estimation change point exponential distribution analysis Poisson process station waiting time…

Original link: http://tecdat.cn/?p=26578

The exponential distribution is the probability distribution of the time between events in a Poisson process, so it is used to predict the wait time until the next event, e.g. how long you need to wait at a bus stop until the next bus arrives (< /strong>Click “Read the original text” at the end of the article to get the complete code data).

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In this article, we will use the exponential distribution, assuming that its parameter λ, the average time between events, changes at some point in time k, namely:


Our main goal is to estimate the parameters λ, α, and k using the Gibbs sampler given n samples of observations from this distribution.

Gibbs Sampler

The Gibbs sampler is a special case of the Metropolis-Hastings sampler and is often used when the target is a multivariate distribution. Using this approach, chains are generated by sampling from a marginal distribution of the target distribution, so that every candidate is accepted.

The Gibbs sampler generates a Markov chain as follows:

  • Let e0c658d93faa761368cf928ad6e8454d.png is in Rd Random vector, initializing X(0) at time t=0.

  • Repeat for each iteration t=1,2,3,…:

  • Set x1=X1(t-1).

  • For each j=1,…,d:

  • Generate X?j(t) from 51a91b1b1663176a105a063a6 7433fce.png , where d1e395acf42505508c7a5fdad65a29f b.png is the univariate conditional density of Xj given X(-j).

  • Update 1ef5c5c082bc8558f25f6d29ab1a2dd6.png .

  • When each candidate point is accepted, set  18cabf9ee30664e2a51aacd05c24ae26.png.

  • increase t.

Bayes formula

A simple formulation of the change point problem assumes known densities for f and g:


where k is unknown and k=1,2,…,n. Let Yi be the elapsed time in minutes between the arrival of the bus at the bus stop. Suppose the change point occurs at the kth minute, namely:


When Y=(Y1,Y2,…,Yn), the likelihood L(Y|k) is given by:


Assuming a Bayesian model with independent priors is given by:


The joint distribution of data and parameters is:




As I mentioned before, the implementation of the Gibbs sampler requires sampling from a marginal distribution of the target distribution, so we need to find the full conditional distribution for λ, α, and k. how can you do this In simple terms, you have to select from the connectivity distribution presented above the terms that depend only on the parameter of interest and ignore the rest.

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The complete conditional distribution of λ is given by:


The complete conditional distribution for α is given by:


The complete conditional distribution of k is given by:


Calculation method

Here, you will learn how to estimate the parameters λ, α, and k using the Gibbs sampler using R.


First, we generate data from the next exponential distribution with change points:


y <- c(rexp(25, rate = 2), rexp(35, rate = 10))

Considering the situation at the bus station, the bus runs every 2 minutes on average at the beginning, but from time i=26, the bus starts to arrive at the bus station every 10 minutes on average.

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Bayesian Simple Linear Regression Simulation Analysis of Gibbs Sampling in R Language


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Implementation of Gibbs sampler

First, we need to initialize k, λ, and α.

n <- length(y) # number of observations in the sample
lci <- 10000 # chain size
aba <- alpha <- k <- numeric(lcan)
k\[1\] <- sample(1:n,

Now, for each iteration of the algorithm, we need to generate λ(t), α(t) and k(t) as follows (remember there are no change points if k + 1>n):


for (i in 2:lcan){
        kt <- k\[i-1\]
        # Generate lambdas
        lambda\[i\] <- rgamma
        # generate alpha
              # generate k
        for (j in 1:n) {
                L\[j\] <- ((lambda\[i\] / alpha\[i

# delete the first 9000 values on the chain
bunIn <- 9000


In this section, we describe the chains generated by the Gibbs sampler and the distribution of their parameters λ, α, and k. The real values of the parameters are indicated by the red lines.




The following table shows the actual values of the parameters and the mean of the estimated values obtained using the Gibbs sampler:

res <- c(mean(k\[-(1:bun)\]), mean(lmba\[-(1:burn)\]), mean(apa\[-( 1:buI)\]))



From the results, we can conclude that the average of the estimates of the parameters k, λ, and α obtained using the Gibbs sampler in R for an exponential distribution with a change point is close to the actual values of the parameters, but we expect better estimate. This could be due to the choice of initial values for the chain or the choice of prior distributions for λ and α.


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This article is selected from “R Language Bayesian METROPOLIS-HASTINGS GIBBS Gibbs Sampler Estimation Change Point Exponential Distribution Analysis Poisson Process Station Waiting Time”.

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