When installing Bitcoin in Ubuntu, a make compilation error occurs or there is no such file when running ./configure –with-incompatible-bdb.

If you install Bitcoin by installing dependencies and get a make compilation error or run ./configure –with-incompatible-bdb and it shows that there is no such file, you can try my method. Reference: http://t.csdnimg.cn/bMdRc If you install this document, you will not be able to verify the path of the Bitcoin file, so you need to […]

[Solved] [bitcoinjs-lib] Signature error message: Error: No inputs were signed

The outgoing wallet address based on [bitcoinjs-lib] will determine whether the signature is successful or not! const psbt = new bitcoin.Psbt({ network: this.originalBitcoinNetworkNode }); utxo_inputs.forEach((utxo) => { /** * 1. The wallet address transferred out based on the execution of [bitcoinjs-lib] must be configured with some special parameters according to the characteristics of the address! […]