Read temperature and humidity data through IIC protocol

1. Definition of I2C “I2C” stands for “Inter-Integrated Circuit” and is a commonly used serial communication protocol used to transfer data between different integrated circuits. When using the I2C protocol, there are usually two main implementations, namely “software I2C” and “hardware I2C”. 1. Software I2C: Software I2C is an implementation that simulates the I2C protocol […]

STM32:AHT20 temperature and humidity sensor driver development

Note: Temperature and humidity sensor AHT20 data sheet.pdf Product Specification (Chinese version) B1.pdf 1. Analyze AHT data sheet document (1).Preparation 1. New construction. Configure UART2 2. Configure I2C1 as I2C standard mode, and enable interrupt and DMA settings 3. Set project parameters to generate header files and source files for each peripheral initialization, and […]

STM32CUBEMX Analog IIC bus reading SHT40 temperature and humidity sensor

1: Use STM32CUBEMX to configure the IIC analog bus #define SHT30_SCL_PORT GPIOC #define SHT30_SCL_PIN GPIO_PIN_6 // GPIO_MODE_OUTPUT_PP #define SHT30_SDA_PORT GPIOB #define SHT30_SDA_PIN GPIO_PIN_15 // GPIO_MODE_OUTPUT_OD The SDA data pin is configured as OD output, and the CLK pin is configured as PP output. 2: SHT40 command table The command to start reading temperature and humidity […]

51 microcontroller and DHT11 temperature and humidity sensor

Table of Contents 1. Product overview 2. Product features 3. Data transmission logic 4. Data format 5. Check whether the module exists 6. Data transmission 6.1 Representation method of digital 0 signal 6.2 Digital 1 signal representation method 1. Product Overview DHT11 digital temperature and humidity sensor is a temperature and humidity sensor with calibrated […]

(stm32f407)DHT11 temperature and humidity data acquisition

1. Interface description It is recommended to use a 5K pull-up resistor when the length of the connection line is shorter than 20 meters. When the length of the connection line is longer than 20 meters, use an appropriate pull-up resistor according to the actual situation. 1 Wiring diagram 2 power pin The power supply […]

TLSR8258–IIC drives SHT31 temperature and humidity sensor

TLSR8258–IIC drives SHT31 temperature and humidity sensor I2C, a serial bus composed of data line SDA and clock SCL, can send and receive data, and is a semi-dual communication method. The clock is controlled by the master. When TLSR8258 drives the SHT31 temperature and humidity sensor, TLSR8258 acts as the host and uses the i2c_master_init() […]

Based on STM32_DHT11 single bus temperature and humidity sensor driver

Based on STM32_DHT11 single bus temperature and humidity sensor driver Article directory Based on STM32_DHT11 single bus temperature and humidity sensor driver Preface 1. DHT11? 2. Principle 1. Timing 1. Host reset signal and DHT11 response signal 2. Representation of signal 0’ 3. Representation of signal 1’ 4. The entire data signal sending and receiving […]

DHT11 digital humidity temperature sensor principle and application examples

Table of Contents Overview 1. Application circuit connection instructions 2. DHT11 data structure 3. DHT11 transmission timing 3.1 DHT11 starts sending data process 3.2 Host reset signal and DHT11 response signal 3.3 Representation method of digital 0’ signal 3.4 Representation method of digital 1’ signal 4. Example application 4.1 Hardware description 4.2 Pin assignment 4.3 […]