SQL statement parsing: Hive uses ANTLR to generate a syntax tree and parse SQL statements.

Author: Zen and the Art of Computer Programming 1. Introduction Hive is an open source data warehouse system based on Hadoop. Its data storage uses HDFS (Hadoop File System) as the underlying file storage. Since the query language SQL defined in Hive ql needs to convert SQL into MapReduce operations and execute them at runtime, […]

[Solved] ANTRL compiles the HiveLexer.g file and reports an error syntax error: antlr: NoViableAltException(@[])

Table of Contents Project scene: Problem Description Cause Analysis: solution: Project Scenario: The need to obtain data blood relationship by programming is not common for data warehouses. Only when the scale of data reaches a large level, or the number of reports with complex data production relationships increases to a large degree, separate data blood […]