libuv source code compilation, QT project creation and sample code

Introduction to libuv libuv is an event-driven cross-platform asynchronous I/O library, which mainly provides functions such as asynchronous file operations, network operations, timers, and subprocesses. libuv was originally a component of Node.js, used to handle the event loop of non-blocking I/O, and later gradually developed into an independent library. It supports multiple platforms, including Linux, […]

[Solved] Solve the compilation problem of libuv process spawn failed name too long

Running Environment: Windows 10 Pro Visual Studio 2019 Community/Professional The C++ project is a larger project with more than 90 libraries including the SDK, totaling 6 digit lines of code Compilation problem: AutoMoc subprocess error ———————— The moc process failed to compile “SRC:/XXX.h” into “BIN:/XXX.cpp” libuv process spawn failed: name too long Origin of the […]