5. QtCharts curve beautification

Article directory Effect ui settings dialog.h dialog.cpp Effect ui settings dialog.h #ifndef DIALOG_H #define DIALOG_H #include <QDialog> #include <QtCharts> #include <QLineSeries> #include <QGraphicsScene> #include <QTimer> #include <QSplineSeries> QT_BEGIN_NAMESPACE namespace Ui {<!– –> class Dialog; } QT_END_NAMESPACE class Dialog : public QDialog {<!– –> Q_OBJECT public: Dialog(QWidget *parent = nullptr); ~Dialog(); private: Ui::Dialog *ui; private: /** […]

Qt: QtCharts draws charts and collects temperature in real time

Directory Introduction to Qt Charts View – QChartView Chart-QChart Series – QAbstractSeries Axis – QAbstractAxis Legend-Legend Create a GUI interface interface layout full code Introduction to Qt Charts Since the release of Qt, it has brought countless benefits to the majority of cross-platform interface developers. However, Qt itself has not provided its own chart library, […]

Qt and matlab process communication, use QtCharts to draw dynamic line chart

1. Introduction Qt communicates with the matlab process, obtains real-time calculation data in matlab, and uses QtCharts to draw dynamic line charts. This communication can learn from the principle of process communication in linux, pipeline communication, then we can use txt files as pipelines for C++ and matlab communication. 2. Software environment 2.1QT 5.14.1 The […]