5. QtCharts curve beautification

Article directory Effect ui settings dialog.h dialog.cpp Effect ui settings dialog.h #ifndef DIALOG_H #define DIALOG_H #include <QDialog> #include <QtCharts> #include <QLineSeries> #include <QGraphicsScene> #include <QTimer> #include <QSplineSeries> QT_BEGIN_NAMESPACE namespace Ui {<!– –> class Dialog; } QT_END_NAMESPACE class Dialog : public QDialog {<!– –> Q_OBJECT public: Dialog(QWidget *parent = nullptr); ~Dialog(); private: Ui::Dialog *ui; private: /** […]

C language uses the getchar method to clear the input buffer and the use of the fgets function

The processing speed of the computer CPU is very fast. The speed of our keyboard input is not as fast as the processing speed of the CPU. The CPU has to wait for the keyboard input to be completed, which is a waste of resources. Improve efficiency. getchar: Function declaration: int getchar(void); Character input function, […]

QTChart realizes the mvc model of histogram

QT MVC model The QT MVC (Model-View-Controller) model is a design pattern of the QT framework for implementing a layered structure and separation of concerns for applications. The MVC model divides the application into three parts: model (Model), view (View) and controller (Controller). Model (Model): The model is the data and business logic part of […]

Standard IO_file reading and writing_fgetc, getchar, ungetc, fgets, fputs, fread, fwrite

Directory 1. Single-character file reading and writing 1.1 Single character read file 1.1.1 fgetc function 1.1.2 getc function 1.1.3 getchar function 1.1.4 ungetc function 1.1.5 Comprehensive sample code for reading single-character files 1.2 Single-character write file 1.2.1 fputc function 1.2.2 putc function 1.2.3 putchar function 1.2.4 Comprehensive sample code for single-character write file 2. Multi-character […]

[C Language] Use of getchar() function and scanf() function

Article directory getchar() buffer zone what is buffer Why set up a buffer buffer type Correct use of getchar function scanf() scanf(“input control character”, input parameters); scanf(“input control character/non-input control character”, input parameters) Precautions for using scanf() Summary scanf() getchar() getchar int getchar(void) Corresponding header file: Function description: Get a character from the buffer. Return […]

[Elementary C Language] Learn to use the library functions getchar and putchar

Directory One, getchar function 1. Function: 2. Recognize functions 3. use Two, putchar function 1. Function 2. Definition 3. use 3. The use of getchar and putchar Fourth, the application of getchar 1. getchar function 1. Function: The function of this function is to receive a character, and then convert the character to the corresponding […]

bootchart instructions and code analysis

Article directory 1 Introduction: The first part: start with the specific use process as follows The second part: let’s talk about how bootchart gets these data information 1 Introduction: bootchart is an open source software tool for performance analysis of the linux startup process. It automatically collects information such as CPU usage and processes during […]

getchar, putchar, and input buffers

Directory 1. Literature of getchar and putchar 1.1 Literature on getchar: 1.2 Literature on putchar 1.3 Return value problem 2. Enter a character from the keyboard 2.1 Principle 2.2 How to understand: ? Understanding 1: ? Understanding 2: 2.3 About how the program ends 3. Enter password 3.1 Calling getchar once to read is equivalent […]


vue + gin–GetcharZp vue + gin – GetcharZp P1-Project Introduction【03:51】 P2-Project combing [29:59] problem user category submit P3-Environment Construction 【05:27】 go env Initialize go mod init tidy go mod tidy gorm the gin P4 – Integration of GIN and GORM [16:20] the gin router/app.go service/ping.go gorm install mysql mysql test models/init.go models/problem.go service/problem.go router/app.go P5-Integrating […]

Temporary storage of local data, conversion between string wstring CString CStringA char wchar tchar

1. Overview and concept The conversion done here is local data (literal constant ANSI) conversion, so the second parameter of CA2W/CW2A is CP_ACP, If the source data is another encoding, please change the second parameter to something else. For example, CP_UTF8 (UTF8) is commonly used for network transmission and permanent storage. CP_ACP: The system default […]