
It can simplify the management of docker containers, making the deployment and connection between multiple containers simpler and more reliable. It can also realize functions such as automatic expansion of services and regular updates of containers. In addition, it also supports setting dependencies between various containers. For example, you need to start the database container […]

docker-compose installs ES7.14 and Kibana7.14 (with account and password)

1. docker-compose installs ES7.14.0 and kibana7.14.0 1. Download the image 1.1, ES mirror docker pull elasticsearch:7.14.0 1.2, kibana mirror docker pull kibana:7.14.0 2. Install ES and kibana with docker-compose 2.1. Create configuration file directories and files #Create a directory mkdir -p /home/es-kibana/config mkdir -p /home/es-kibana/data mkdir -p /home/es-kibana/plugins #Authorize the mounting directory chmod 777 -R […]

[Docker] Docker-Compose built-in DNS load balancing failure problem

Docker Compose implements load balancing Let’s slightly modify the previous example docker-compose.yml: version: “3.8” services: flask-demo: build: context: . dockerfile: Dockerfile image: flask-demo:latest environment: – REDIS_HOST=redis-server – REDIS_PASS=${REDIS_PASS} healthcheck: test: [“CMD”, “curl”, “-f”, “http://localhost:5000”] interval: 30s timeout: 3s retries: 3 start_period: 40s depends_on: -redis-server deploy: replicas: 3 networks: -backend -frontend redis-server: image: redis:latest command: redis-server […]

Create a kafka cluster using Docker-compose

1. Single server cluster 1. Preparation Single machine: Modify host name vim /etc/hosts kafka1 kafka2 kafka3 2. Write docker-compose.yml file version: ‘3.7’ services: zookeeper: container_name: zookeeper hostname: zookeeper image: ‘bitnami/zookeeper:3.7.0’ restart: always ports: – 2181:2181 user: root environment: – ALLOW_ANONYMOUS_LOGIN=yes # ALLOW_ANONYMOUS_LOGIN: yes kafka1: image: ‘wurstmeister/kafka:2.13-2.7.0’ container_name: kafka1 hostname: kafka1 ports: […]

Docker-compose container orchestration

Docker-compose Meaning: Docker-Compose is Docker’s official open source project, responsible for rapid orchestration of Docker container clusters. Docker-Compose can manage multiple Docker containers to form an application. You need to define a configuration file in yaml format docker-compose.yml to configure the calling relationships between multiple containers, and then you can start/stop these containers at the […]


docker compose: manage single-node containers Disadvantages: Only the local machine can be managed, but other nodes cannot be managed. Introduction to docker-compose An open source project responsible for rapid orchestration of Docker container clusters It can simplify the management of docker containers, making the deployment and connection between multiple containers simpler and more reliable. It […]

Docker installs jenkins and uses docker-compose containerization to deploy maven multi-module projects

Preparation work: You need to download docker. This docker-compose is very simple and will not be introduced here. 1. Use docker to install the jenkins image. The latest jenkins version installed here can also be specified and selected as needed docker pull jenkins/jenkins:latest 2. Check whether the jenkins image is installed successfully docker images 3. […]

docker-compose creates a MySQL container and sets up a MySQL master and three slaves

Table of Contents 1. Install docker-compose 2. Use docker-compose to build MySQL with one master and three slaves 3. Build the master-slave structure of MySQL Here is one master and three slaves using docker-compose to build MySQL 1. Install docker-compose 1. Download the docker-compose binary: (1) Download: wget (2) Considering that the network is […]