Use plot to explore the results of using fmt strings in different situations. And explore the feasibility of replacing fmt strings with **kwargs in the plot0 function!

1. Import the pyplot template in the numpy library and matplotlib library, and set it to support Chinese character display: #Import numpy library #Import the pyplot module in the matplotlib library import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt # 0. Set up support for Chinese character display (fixed code, no need to change): plt.rcParams[‘’] […]

Use plot to explore the results of using fmt strings in different situations. And explore the feasibility of replacing fmt strings with **kwargs in the plot0 function!

1. Import the pyplot template in the numpy library and matplotlib library, and set it to support Chinese character display: # Import numpy library #Import the pyplot module in the matplotlib library import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt # 0. Set up support for Chinese character display (fixed code, no need to change): […]

Understanding *args and **kwargs in Python

write in front In the process of reading code, we often see this expression containing *args and **kwargs: For example, what should this output? def foo(*args): print(args) foo(1, 2, 3, 4, 5) what about this? def foo(a, *args): print(‘a:’, a) print(‘args:’, args) foo(1, 2, 3, 4, 5) And what about this? def bar(a,b,c): print(a,b,c) bar(*[1,2,3]) […]

Step-by-step mastering *args and **kwargs in Python: dealing with variable numbers of arguments

In Python programming, we often encounter situations where we need to deal with an indefinite number of arguments. To better deal with such needs, Python provides two special parameters: args and **kwargs, which enable functions to handle an indeterminate number of positional and keyword arguments in a more flexible manner. This article will discuss the […]

*args and **kwargs functions in Python

When we see the documentation of any function that contains *args and **kwargs, do you think – what are these strange arguments passed inside that function? for example: function(params, *args, **kwargs) As a beginner, you might be confused about how to use the function or what to pass as arguments instead of *args and **kwargs […]