SLAM Lecture 14 ch7 compilation error undefined reference to `fmt::v10::detail::throw_format_error(char const*)

[ 66%] Linking CXX executable pose_estimation_3d3d /usr/bin/ld: CMakeFiles/pose_estimation_3d3d.dir/pose_estimation_3d3d.cpp.o: in function `unsigned long long fmt::v10::detail::width_checker<fmt::v10::detail::error_handler>::operator ()<float, 0>(float) [clone .isra.0]’: pose_estimation_3d3d.cpp:(.text + 0xe): undefined reference to `fmt::v10::detail::throw_format_error(char const*)’ /usr/bin/ld: CMakeFiles/pose_estimation_3d3d.dir/pose_estimation_3d3d.cpp.o: in function `unsigned long long fmt::v10::detail::precision_checker<fmt::v10::detail::error_handler>::operator ()<float, 0>(float) [clone .isra.0]’: pose_estimation_3d3d.cpp:(.text + 0x2e): undefined reference to `fmt::v10::detail::throw_format_error(char const*)’ /usr/bin/ld: CMakeFiles/pose_estimation_3d3d.dir/pose_estimation_3d3d.cpp.o: in function `VertexPose::oplusImpl(double const*)’: pose_estimation_3d3d.cpp:(.text._ZN10VertexPose9oplusImplEPKd[_ZN10VertexPose9oplusImplEPKd] + 0xa9b): […]

Go’s fmt formatted input and output

Output Print The Print series of functions will output the content to the standard output of the system. The difference is that the Print function directly outputs the content, and the Printf function supports formatted output strings. , the Println function will add a newline character at the end of the output content. package main […]

Use plot to explore the results of using fmt strings in different situations. And explore the feasibility of replacing fmt strings with **kwargs in the plot0 function!

1. Import the pyplot template in the numpy library and matplotlib library, and set it to support Chinese character display: #Import numpy library #Import the pyplot module in the matplotlib library import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt # 0. Set up support for Chinese character display (fixed code, no need to change): plt.rcParams[‘’] […]

Use plot to explore the results of using fmt strings in different situations. And explore the feasibility of replacing fmt strings with **kwargs in the plot0 function!

1. Import the pyplot template in the numpy library and matplotlib library, and set it to support Chinese character display: # Import numpy library #Import the pyplot module in the matplotlib library import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt # 0. Set up support for Chinese character display (fixed code, no need to change): […]

github fmt library syntax + example (fmt version:7.0.1)

! ! Copyright statement: This article is an original article by the blogger. The copyright belongs to the original author and the blog park. Any form of reprinting is prohibited! ! Author: mohist fmt fmt source code: Translation of this article: fmt version: 7.0.1 This article is for reference only, please refer to […]

Summary of C++ ostream flow functions good, eof, fail, bad, operator!, operator bool, rdstate, setstate, clear, copyfmt (209)

Introduction: CSDN blog expert, focusing on Android/Linux System, share multi-mic voice solutions, audio and video, codec and other technologies, and grow with everyone! Quality Column:Audio Engineer Advanced Series[Original information is being updated continuously… ] Life motto: There are never shortcuts in life, only actions It is the only cure for fear and laziness. For more […]

C++ useful formatting library–fmt

Background The fmt library is an open source C++ formatting library that provides a concise, safe and efficient way to do string formatting.The library is designed to provide functionality similar to Python’s string formatting syntax while maintaining the type safety and performance of C++. Download and install Official website download fmt official website address: […]

1. Basic use of fmt library in go language

The main source of content: fmt of the go standard library – formatting IO Mainly used for formatting IO The fmt package implements formatted I/O functions, similar to C’s printf and scanf. The format “placeholders” are derived from C, but simpler than C. Type or variable definitions used in the following examples: type Website struct […]

AVPixFmtDescriptor structure understanding and application

AVPixFmtDescriptor structure understanding and application This content is learned from: AVPixFmtDescriptor structure – detailed explanation of FFmpeg data structure, combined with code understanding in ffmpeg, make a record. AVPixFmtDescriptor structure: typedef struct AVPixFmtDescriptor {<!– –> const char *name; uint8_t nb_components; uint8_t log2_chroma_w; uint8_t log2_chroma_h; uint64_t flags; AVComponentDescriptor comp[4]; const char *alias; } AVPixFmtDescriptor; const char […]

jsp problem in javaweb: successfully resolved: org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.classfmt.ClassFormatException

1. Error background When reviewing javaweb a few days ago, when reviewing jsp, the following error occurred. This error is also an error that beginners in learning jsp scripts can easily encounter. 1) Possible reason: After checking a lot of information, some of this error occurs because the tomcat version is inconsistent with the jdk […]