“The charm of the GUI graphical interface, the secure communication of the SSH protocol and the efficient development of IDEA integrated with Git”

Article directory

  • introduction
  • 1. Practical application of GUI graphical interface
  • 2. Secure communication using SSH protocol
    • What is SSH?
    • git/github generates the key and passes
    • Remote github warehouse configuration
  • 3. Quick start guide for integrating Git with IDEA
  • Summarize


In the field of computer science, a graphical user interface (GUI) is a user interface that presents information and interactions graphically. It enables users to communicate with computers simply and intuitively through the use of icons, windows, menus, and other visual elements. This blog will introduce the use of GUI graphical interface and explore its charm in depth.

1. Practical application of GUI graphical interface

  1. First we need a warehouse
  2. Then we need an empty directory to store and use git
  3. click this

    If you already have a warehouse, click this

    Then, if the storage path is a folder that does not exist

Refresh == Refresh scan
Double-click an untracked file and the file will go to the temporary area.

2. Secure communication of SSH protocol

What is SSH?

SSH (Secure Shell) is a network protocol that establishes a secure connection through encryption. It is mainly used for remote login and performing network operations, and can establish encrypted communication channels in unsecured networks. SSH provides a secure way to enable encrypted communication between the client and the server, avoiding the plaintext transmission problems in traditional protocols such as telnet and rlogin.

Through SSH, users can connect to other computers or devices through remote terminals or graphical interfaces, and execute commands, transfer files, and other operations in the remote environment. SSH uses public key encryption and private key decryption for authentication and encrypted communication, ensuring data confidentiality and integrity.

SSH is widely used in system management, remote maintenance and file transfer. It is a standard remote access method for many operating systems and devices, and is also used by developers and network administrators for security management and operation and maintenance.

What I understand is that each computer will generate an ssh key, and then I have a remote account, but I may have many computers.
Including computers at home and computers at work, we can work on any computer, but if we want each computer to communicate with the remote version repository at all times,
You need to add the ssh key of each computer to the remote account. After adding it to the remote repository, the remote repository will communicate with the added computer but not with other computers

git/github generates the key and passes

  1. First, you need to have a private warehouse
  2. Configure username and email (skip if already configured)
    git config –global user.name “username”
    git config –global user.email “email”
    Afterwards, a .gitconfig file will be created under C:\Users\Administrator with the content:
    [email protected]
    Note 1: username and email are GitHub’s login account and registered email address
    Note 2: Using this parameter in the –global parameter of the git config command means that all Git repositories on your machine will use this configuration.
  3. Check whether you have generated ssh before
    cd ~/.ssh
    The following means that it has not been

    Note 1: When the window returns “no such file or directory” after the cd ~/.ssh command is executed, it means that our computer does not have an ssh key, so we need to create an ssh key.
    Note 2: ~ represents the directory of the current user, for example, mine is: C:\Users\Administrator
    Note 3: After the ls command is executed, if there is a local ssh key, there will be id_rsa.pub, config, known_hosts and other files.
  4. Generate (or delete) a secret key
    ssh-keygen -t rsa -C “13671327 + [email protected]
    You need to change your email address to the one you registered with, just enter the code and press Enter three times.

    Then a folder like this will be produced

Remote github warehouse configuration

  1. Find the settings, ssh public key, and put the public key configuration number just generated

    Then enter the password

    Then perform a clone test and enter yes

    In this way, the cloning is successful and the ssh protocol is OK.

3. Quick start guide for integrating Git with IDEA

Preparation: Open the idea, create the files, and configure maven

  1. Set the installation path of git.exe and test the version

  2. Download the Gitee plugin

  3. Log in to gitee, select use token to log in with token token

    There is no token at this time. To create one, find the private token in gitee and click Create
    After entering the description, submit it, and then perform password verification, a token token will be generated.
    Be sure to paste the generated stuff first and paste it into the idea.

  4. Share built projects
    Enter idea and perform the following operations

    At this point, it’s shared and moved to gite.

  5. Others have put the project in the head and then what to do

  • Clone the project (provided that the head has put other people’s keys on it)
    click on it first

    Click clone to clone, and it’s cloned
    Then configure maven on the cloned project
    Once configured, proceed with operation
    Created a Text1.java page
package com.zking.shiro;

 * @author 叶秋
 * @company Zhuojing Company
 * @create 2023-11-10 20:37
public class Text1 {<!-- -->
    public static void main(String[] args) {<!-- -->
        System.out.println("Others created it");

then submit


If others pull the update, they can also have Text1.
Note 1: When other people make changes to the same file as the leader, and then push them first, and then push the leader after making the changes, an error warning will be reported. At this time, choose to merge, then process the code, and then submit. Just push it


This blog deeply explores the use of GUI graphical interface and introduces its basic knowledge, development process and practical applications. At the same time, the secure communication of the SSH protocol and the quick start guide for integrating Git with IDEA are also discussed. I hope readers can better understand and utilize the importance and value of GUI graphical interfaces in software development through this blog.