About defining the interface Comparable (comparator) to compare the sizes of two objects

1. Topic: Comparing the sizes of objects of different reference types: Requirement description: Although the student category and the news category are completely different categories, they both have the ability to compare. For example, you can compare the size of two students, but you need to specify whether the comparison is based on student number, […]


The use of natural sorting Comparable Case requirements Store student objects and traverse, create a TreeSet collection and use the no-parameter construction method Requirements: Sort by age from youngest to oldest. If the ages are the same, sort by name in alphabetical order. Implementation steps Create a TreeSet collection using empty parameter construction Use the […]

The use and difference between Comparable interface and Comparator interface

One: Custom sorting of collections: TreeSet: The underlying data structure is a red-black tree with customizable sorting rules Construction method: public TreeSet(); public TreeSet(Comparator c); The sorting methods using TreeSet collection are: Method 1: When calling the parameterless constructor 1. Let the generic Stu class of Treeset implement the interface Comparable, And the generic type […]

Generic use cases, as well as customized sorting of year, month and day, pass in the Comparator object

Simple version: Portal: Pass the level and show it – birthday sorting (year, month and day sorting) – CSDN Blog Implementation process; public static void main(String[] args) { ArrayList<Employee> arrayList = new ArrayList<>(); Employee grace = new Employee(“Grace”, 12000, new MyDate(2012, 12, 12)); Employee tom = new Employee(“Tom”, 28000, new MyDate(2001, 12, 03)); Employee david […]

Comparator and Comparable comparison

Comparable is a sorting interface: If a class implements the Comparable interface, it means “this class supports sorting”. Comparator is a comparator: If we need to control the order of a certain class, we can create a “comparator of this class” for sorting. Comparable is equivalent to “internal comparator”, and Comparator is equivalent to “external […]

PY32F003F18 comparator problem

The internal reference voltage of the PY32F003F18 analog module is easily affected by the power supply voltage. When I connect “RXD of USB to serial port”, the PC receives the analog data normally; when I connect “TXD of USB to serial port”, I find that the AD value of the internal reference voltage is 0xFFF. […]

JavaSE—Comparable interface and Comparator

[JavaSE]—Comparable interface and comparator comparator 1. Comparable interface 1. Definition of Comparable Interface It can be seen that this interface is defined through generics, and its function is to specify the sorting rules of a certain object. Return value: 1: means greater than -1: indicates less than 0: Indicates equal 2. Actual Case Reference to […]

Comparable and Comparator

<strong>To implement comparison of custom classes in java, the following two interfaces are provided:<br></strong> Comparable (internal sorting) int compareTo(Object obj); the return value is int, the default is ascending order Comparator (external sorting) int compare(Object ob1,Object obj2); the return value is int, Flexible sorting <br><br> <strong>java.lang.Comparable interface (internal comparator)java.lang</strong><br><strong>If a class implements the Comparable (sorting […]