About defining the interface Comparable (comparator) to compare the sizes of two objects

1. Topic: Comparing the sizes of objects of different reference types: Requirement description: Although the student category and the news category are completely different categories, they both have the ability to compare. For example, you can compare the size of two students, but you need to specify whether the comparison is based on student number, […]

(C++17) Variant usage compared with union

Article directory Preface and requirements union memory map C++11 union use ref example structure Ordinary structure Blanking emplace monostate access std::get std::holds_alternative Get pointer std::get_if Get the optional number std::variant_size END Foreword and requirements Union is a concept that has existed since the C language era. Mainly used in some scenarios with large memory limitations. […]

The principle of two-way binding in vue, compared with angular

Table of Contents Preface Vue two-way binding usage code Vue’s two-way binding principle Angular two-way binding usage code Angular’s two-way binding principle understand Efficiency: Although the two-way binding principles of Vue and Angular are different, they are both committed to providing efficient data update mechanisms. However, since Vue uses data hijacking, its efficiency is usually […]

Compare txt file path and excel file program

This program is to compare the number of img and doc above 88 and 59 Advance notice is required** Export the img and doc file paths of the ‘brand’ above 88 and export the doc and img of the brand in mongo import os import pandas as pd # Check the number of folders with […]

Matlab/C++ source code realizes the conversion of RGB channel and HSV channel (the effect is compared with Halcon)

The meaning of HSV channel The HSV channel refers to a color model in image processing, which consists of three channels: hue (Hue), saturation (Saturation) and brightness (Value). Hue represents the type of color, saturation represents the purity or vividness of the color, and value represents the brightness of the color. The HSV channel is […]

vscode debugging container (for rocksdb debugging) + vscode compares different branches of the git project and which branch of the fork

vscode debugging container (for rocksdb debugging) Reference links: https://blog.csdn.net/qq_29809823/article/details/128445308#t5 https://blog.csdn.net/qq_29809823/article/details/121978762#t7 Use the plug-in dev containers in vscode->click the remote resource manager on the left to open the container running rocksdb and configure the following files #Command line compilation by debugging cpp into an executable file, and debugging by setting launch.json and f5 root@62db0822831f:/# find . […]

R/d2 and S/C4 estimate the population standard deviation, and compare the differences in CPK and specification limit probabilities

R/d2 and S/C4 are unbiased estimators for estimating the population standard deviation, often used in control charts. The main purpose of these estimation methods is to estimate the population standard deviation from sample data in order to monitor the stability and variability of the process without collecting data for the entire population. Specifically: R/d2 in […]

Compare the loss idea to design the loss function method.

Click “Xiaobai Xue Vision” above and choose to add “star” or “pin“ Heavy stuff, delivered as soon as possible 1. Introduction to Contrastive Loss Contrast loss is widely used in unsupervised learning. It originated from Yann LeCun’s “Dimensionality Reduction by Learning an Invariant Mapping” in 2006. This loss function is mainly used for dimensionality reduction, […]

[Data Structure – String 4] [String Recognition] Convert string to integer and compare version number

Without further ado, just shout a slogan to encourage yourself: Programmers will never be unemployed, programmers go to architecture! The theme of this blog is [String Conversion], which is implemented using the basic data structure [String]. The site for this high-frequency question is: CodeTop, and the filtering condition is: Target company + Last year + […]

Search, compare search, hash (hash) search

Search, in a set of records, the process of finding a record whose key value is equal to a given value, or finding some records whose key value meets specific conditions, is also called retrieval. 1. A lookup table is a collection of data elements (or records) of the same type. 2. Methods to improve […]