Aspect Android buried statistics activity page usage duration onResume onPause, and save the duration

Aspect Android buried statistics activity page usage duration onResume onPause, and save the duration mark: under the project dependencies { classpath ‘’ classpath ‘com.hujiang.aspectjx:gradle-android-plugin-aspectjx:2.0.10’ } 2. build.gradle in the app folder apply plugin: ‘’ // Configure AspectJX aspectjx { exclude ‘androidx.core’,’androidx.appcompat’ } dependencies { ……. //Introduce AspectJX dependency implementation ‘org.aspectj:aspectjrt: 1.9.8’ … } import […]

Application display process analysis from setContentView to onResume

Previously, the process of Acitivity from startup to display was generally analyzed (, , I found that many details were not noticed, and the more important parts in the follow-up selection process were focused on analysis. In the last article, I analyzed the process of an app from zygote to onCreate ( The indispensable […]