Rotation animation, requestAnimationFrame periodic rendering

The development of online games, product displays, and indoor roaming based on WebGL technology often involves animation. 1. Periodic rendering In order to achieve periodic rendering, you can use a method setInterval() of the browser global object window object. You can call this method window.setInterval(), you can also call setInterval() directly in function form. setInterval() […]

A brief analysis of the usage and optimization of requestAnimationFrame

Introduction What is requestAnimationFrame requestAnimationFrame is an API used by browsers for timed loop operations, usually used for animation and game development. It will centralize all DOM operations in each frame, update them all at once before redrawing, and associate them with the browser’s redraw operation. Why use requestAnimationFrame instead of setTimeout or setInterval Compared […]


In web applications, there are many ways to achieve animation effects. In Javascript, it can be achieved through the timer setTimeout. In CSS3, transition and animation can be used. Canvas in HTML5 can also be implemented. In addition, html5 also provides an API specifically for requesting animations, which is requestAnimationFrame. As the name suggests, it […]

requestAnimationFrame: a powerful tool for optimizing animation and rendering

Booklet This is the study material I compiled. It is very systematic and complete. You are welcome to study together. Modern JavaScript Advanced Booklet Introduction to Dart in simple terms Modern TypeScript Advanced Booklet linwu’s algorithm notes Introduction In web development, achieving smooth and high-performance animation and rendering is a key requirement. The requestAnimationFrame is […]

Talking about requestAnimationFrame

I am participating in the “Nuggets·Starting Plan” Foreword Timers and timed executions have been the state-of-the-art tools for JavaScript animations for a long time. While CSS transitions and animations have made some animations easier for developers, the JavaScript animation space has seen little progress over the years. The requestAnimationFrame() method came into being. This method […]