Python application examples (1) Alien invasion (8)

Alien invasion (8) 1. Add the Play button 1.1 Create Button class 1.2 Drawing buttons on the screen 1.3 Start the game 1.4 Reset the game 1.5 Switch the play button to inactive 1.6 Hide the mouse cursor We’ll add a Play button to start the game on demand and restart it after the game […]

SpringBoot+Prometheus+Grafana monitoring panel (project configuration method [invasion])

SpringBoot + Prometheus + Grafana monitoring panel Tip: This article uses a simple example of SpringBoot to introduce basic configuration and usage Contains: Docker, SpringBoot, Maven, Prometheus, Grafana, etc. Reminder: This article contains the introduction of the official website content, for more specific project learning, please refer to the official website documents, thank you SpringBoot […]

Python application examples (1) Alien invasion (5)

Alien invasion (5) 1. Project review 2. Create the first alien 2.1 Create the Alien class 2.2 Create an Alien instance 3. Create a group of aliens 3.1 Determine how many aliens can fit in a row 3.2 Create a line of aliens 3.3 Refactoring_create_fleet() 3.4 Add row Add aliens to the game Alien Invasion. […]

Python application examples (1) Alien invasion (4)

Alien invasion (4) 1. Summary and review of the previous article 1.1 1.2 1.3 2. shoot 2.1 Add bullet settings 2.2 Create the Bullet class 2.3 Store the bullets in the group 2.4 Fire 2.5 Delete missing bullets 2.6 Limit the number of bullets 2.7 Create method _update_bullets() 1. Summary and review […]

Python application examples (1) Alien invasion (3)

Alien invasion (3) 1. Pilot a Spaceship 1.1 Response to keys 1.2 Persistent movement allowed 1.3 Move left and right 1.4 Adjust the speed of the spaceship 1.5 Restricting the range of activities of the spacecraft 1.6 Refactoring_check_events() 1.7 Press q to exit 1.8 Running the game in full screen mode 1. Pilot a spaceship […]

Python application examples (1) Alien invasion (2)

1. Add spaceship image Now add the spaceship to the game. To draw the player’s ship on the screen, we’ll load an image and draw it using the Pygame method blit(). When selecting assets for your game, it’s important to keep licensing in mind. The safest and least expensive way to do this is to […]

Python application examples (1) Alien invasion (1)

Alien invasion (1) 1 Overview 2. Planning the project 3. Install Pygame 4. Start the game project 4.1 Create a Pygame window and respond to user input 4.2 Set the background color 4.3 Create a setting class 1. Overview We basically introduced the basic operation of python, let’s develop a game called “Alien Invasion” now! […]

Write the complete code of the game “Alien Invasion” in python #This module is used to develop the functions required by the game import pygame #Import settings class from settings import Settings from ship import Ship #spaceship class import game_functions as gf from pygame.sprite import Group from game_stats import GameStats from button import Button from scoreboard import Scoreboard def run_game(): # Initialize background settings pygame.init() […]

TryHackMe-Red Team-20_Anti-Virus Evasion: Shellcode

Anti-Virus Evasion: Shellcode Learn about shellcode encoding, packaging, binders and encryptors. In this room, we will explore how payloads are constructed and delivered with a focus on avoiding detection by common AV engines. We’ll look at the different techniques available as an attacker and discuss the pros and cons of each. PE structure The Windows […]