Cross-sectional area labeling AutoLISP program

This code is the source code of a function in [AutoCAD Engineering Measurement Toolset] and can be run independently. The functions of each command in the code are as follows: zzA and zzArea: mark the area to the center of the area zzArea2Table: Output area to AutoCAD table zzArea2File: Output area to file ;;——————————————— —————;; […]

[Lisp] [Python] Use a plug-in in CAD to obtain the text of the selected block, and generate layers in batches in Rhino

Article directory 1 get_selected_text.lsp 1.1 How to use LISP code analysis 1.2 Animation 2 Using PythonScript in Rhino to create layers in 2.1 Direct generation 2.2 Generate with color 2.3 Animation display 1 get_selected_text.lsp 1.1 How to use Copy the following code with Notepad and change the file name to get_selected_text.lsp (defun c::GatherText () […]

From Lisp to Vue, React to Qwit: The Evolution of Reactive Programming

Search [Great Move to the World] on WeChat, and I will share with you the front-end industry trends, learning paths, etc. as soon as possible. This article has been included in GitHub, and there are complete test sites, materials and my series of articles for interviews with first-line manufacturers. This post is not about […]