Weita pet hospital management system based on php

Collect and follow to avoid getting lost Article directory 1. Project introduction 2. Development environment 3. Function introduction 4. Core code 5. Effect drawing 6. Article Table of Contents 1. Project introduction This Veita pet hospital management system uses PHP technology, b/s mode and MySql as the database running in the background, and uses Tomcat […]

LDAP service construction, phpLDAPadmin+python management service

What is LDAP? LDAP (Lightweight Directory Access Protocol) is a lightweight directory access protocol. It was originally used to access X.500 directory services on TCP/IP networks, but due to its simplicity and efficiency, it is now widely used in authentication, authorization, information management, etc. in systems such as enterprises and organizations. The main purpose of […]

php writing website pages

The $_GET and $_POST variables in PHP are used to receive information passed in the form, such as user input One very important thing to note is that when dealing with HTML forms, PHP can convert the form from the HTML page into a PHP script that can be used Form Simple form page The […]

Application of traits in PHP

Table of Contents 1. What is trait? 2. What are the application scenarios of traits? 3. What are the precautions for using traits? 4. Priority of traits 1. What is trait? In PHP, a trait is a code reuse mechanism that allows you to share methods between classes without inheritance. Traits can be included by […]

PHP dangerous functions and rce vulnerabilities

php code execution statement eval() eval() statement eval() will execute strings that conform to PHP syntax specifications as PHP code. <meta charset=”UTF-8″> <pre> <?php $dd=$_REQUEST[‘dd’]; eval($dd); ?> Can execute php code You can also set up a layer of system to execute system operation instructions. assert() function assert() will execute the string as PHP code. […]

PHP’s yaf framework comes with plug-ins

Yaf framework’s plug-in method triggering process follows a certain sequence, the specific process is as follows Bootstrap class’s_initPlugin method: When the Yaf application starts, it will be executed first The _initPlugin method of the Bootstrap class. In this method, you can register various plugins. For example: phpCopy code public function _initPlugin(Yaf_Dispatcher $dispatcher) { $myPlugin = […]

Install PHP83 on CentOS8

There are a lot of unreliable tutorials on the Internet sudo dnf -y install https://dl.fedoraproject.org/pub/epel/epel-release-latest-8.noarch.rpm sudo dnf -y install https://rpms.remirepo.net/enterprise/remi-release-8.rpm An error occurs when installing the remi library: remi-release-8.rpm 32 kB/s | 32 kB 00:00 Error: Problem: conflicting requests – nothing provides (redhat-release >= 8.8 or centos-stream-release >= 8) needed by remi-release-8.8-1.el8.remi.noarch (try to add […]

A brief introduction to php objects and deserialization

Foreword Keywords: object, class, member variable, member function, parent and child classes, serialization, deserialization, magic method, poc Thanks to K3zy seniors who let me appreciate the power of php deserialization: https://github.com/kkontheway Introduction Object-oriented is a programming idea and method That is to encapsulate data and methods of operating data into an object to achieve specific […]