finally come! Complete Deployment Guide for the Sealos Desktop Environment!

Sealos spent five years transforming from a K8s one-click installation tool into a true cloud operating system, improving the product experience to the extreme and gaining 100,000 + community users. More than a month ago, Sealos officially released the public cloud hosting version. Community users were ecstatic and looked for privatized deployment tutorials. Now comes […]

Generate personal signature rectangular (rectangle/square) seal

Tip: After the article is written, the table of contents can be automatically generated. For how to generate it, please refer to the help document on the right. Generate a personal signature rectangular (rectangular/square) seal Foreword Mainly used for subsequent updates of corporate seals using personal signatures generated by electronic signatures. This chapter mainly generates […]

kubernetes (K8s)-sealos complete guide to privatized deployment

kubernetes (K8s)-Sealos privatized deployment complete guide 1. Deploy K8S cluster through sealos CLI All hosts must be configured with host name, IP address, host name and IP address resolution. 1.1 Get sealos cli tool [root@k8s-master01 ~]# wget [root@k8s-master01 ~]# yum -y install sealos_4.3.0_linux_amd64.rpm [root@k8s-master01 ~]# sealos -h 2.1 Deploy K8S cluster using sealos cli […]

[3D editing] Seal-3D: NeRF-based interactive pixel-level editing

Article directory Summary I. Introduction 2. Method 2.1. Overview of nerf-based editing problems 2.2. Editing guidance generation 2.3. Two-stage student training with instant preview 3. Experiment 4. Code (unfinished…) Summarize Project Homepage: Code: Paper: Summary With the popularity of implicit neural representations (i.e., NeRF), there is an urgent need for editing methods […]

Complete Guide to Sealos Privatization Deployment

It took Sealos five years to transform from a K8s one-click installation tool to a real cloud operating system, improving the product experience to the extreme and gaining 10w + community users. More than a month ago, Sealos officially released the public cloud hosting version, and community users were ecstatic, looking for privatization deployment tutorials. […]

Complete Guide to Sealos Privatization Deployment

It took Sealos five years to transform from a K8s one-click installation tool to a real cloud operating system, improving the product experience to the extreme and gaining 10w + community users. More than a month ago, Sealos officially released the public cloud hosting version, and community users were ecstatic, looking for privatization deployment tutorials. […]