Java data structure (red-black tree) set collection HashSet HashSet three problems LinkedHashSetTreeSet TreeSet collection default rules sorting rules

Directory Data structure (red-black tree) red and black rules Red-black tree adding node rules set set summary HashSet Three problems with HashSet LinkedHashSet summary TreeSet TreeSet collection default rules Sorting rules (first sorting method) Method 2 practise Xiaolian Summarize Summary: How to choose when using collections Data structure (red-black tree) Red and black rules The […]

JAVA-Day52In-depth analysis of Java TreeSet collection

In-depth analysis of Java TreeSet collection **In-depth analysis of Java TreeSet collection** **Summary** **introduction** **1. Preliminary exploration of TreeSet** **2. Use TreeSet collection** **3. What’s special about TreeSet** **4. Best practices and performance optimization** **5. In-depth understanding of TreeSet** **5.1 Underlying data structure and red-black tree** **5.2 Functions of NavigableSet interface** **5.3 Implement Comparable interface […]

[Set collection in java] HashSet, LinkedHashSet, TreeSet (the most understandable version!!)

Table of Contents 1. HashSet collection 1. Characteristics of HashSet collection 2. Common methods of HashSet 2. LinkedHashSet collection Characteristics of LinkedHashSet collection 3. TreeSet collection 1. Characteristics of TreeSet collection 2.Basic use of TreeSet 4. Usage scenarios of HashSet, LinkedHashSet, and TreeSet 5. The difference between list and set collections 1. HashSet collection 1.Characteristics […]

[Set] Set collection ordered and unordered test cases: HashSet, TreeSet, LinkedHashSet (122)

Common Set collections: HashSet, TreeSe, LinkedHashSet The connection between the three: (1) HashSet and TreeSet are two typical implementations of Set, and LinkedHashSet is the implementation class of HashSet. Simply put, the performance of HashSet is always better than that of TreeSet (especially the most commonly used operations such as adding and querying elements), because […]

June 11, 2023, TreeSet, Comparable, HashMap

1. Set 1. TreeSet TreeSet 1. Store the elements of Integer in ascending order 2. Store the elements of String and arrange them in a dictionary TreeSet uses different sorting rules according to different types of elements public class test01 { /** * Knowledge points: TreeSet * 1. Store the elements of Integer in ascending […]

Chapter 8 Single Column Collection Collection List ArrayList LinkedList Set HashSet TreeSet

Directory 1. Collection interface 2. List interface 2.1ArrayList implementation class ArrayList generic usage ArrayList sorting 2.2 LinkedList implementation class LinkedList usage 3. Set interface 3.1 HashSet Set collection traversal Eliminate the weight of the List collection 3.2TreeSet 1.Collection interface java.util.Collection is the parent interface of all single-column collections, so some methods common to single-column collections […]

TreeMap and TreeSet

When it comes to TreeMap and TreeSet, let’s first understand what their underlying layer is implemented. By viewing the source code of Java, we know that their underlying layer is implemented by a binary search tree, so let’s first understand the binary search tree A binary search tree, also known as a binary sort tree, […]

Anatomy of HashSet and TreeSet

Analysis of HashSet and TreeSet HashSet The underlying implementation of HashSet storage rules How to determine if two elements are repeated in conclusion treeSet The underlying implementation of treeSet storage rules How to achieve order in conclusion Set focuses on the unique nature. This system set can know whether something is already in the set. […]