esp32-idf: Maintain wifi and Bluetooth connections at low power consumption

Write the directory title here 1 Introduction 2. Low power consumption to maintain wifi connection to Alibaba Cloud server 3. Maintain Bluetooth connection with low power consumption 4. Reference articles 1. Foreword Three low power consumption modes of esp32 chip: 1. Modem Sleep mode: In this mode, the CPU can run and the clock frequency […]

Buying Guide for Home WIFI Routers and Wireless Network Cards

1. Reference materials 【Wi-Fi】802.11/802.11b/802.11g/802.11n/802.11a/802.11ac/802.11ax/802.11be From bandwidth to routing, from wired to wireless, from demand to purchase, from network deployment to actual testing, we’ve covered it all. Basics (1) [Detailed explanation in one article] What is the 802.11a/b/g/n/ac/ax protocol and how is it related to Wi-Fi 4/5/6 802.11a/b/g/n/ac development and differences 2. Related introduction 1. Broadband […]

Android specifies wired network or Wifi for network request

Android specifies wired network or Wifi for network request Article directory Android specifies wired network or Wifi for network request I. Introduction: 2. Specified network communication test 1. Window command ping -I network node IP 2. Java code specifies specific network communication 3. Development of demo app for a specific network 1. Rendering: 2. Description […]

Android13 realizes the coexistence of wired network and wifi

Android13 realizes the coexistence of wired network and wifi Article directory Android13 realizes the coexistence of wired network and wifi I. Introduction 2. Modify the code: 1. 3. Comparison of modified code directories between Android11 and Android13: 4. The consequences of modifying only part of the code When only is modified and […]

Android11 realizes the coexistence of wired network and wifi

Android11 realizes the coexistence of wired network and wifi 1. Foreword After certain adaptation of the Android system Framework, both wifi and wired network ports can be opened. Then on the App side, you can choose to use wifi or wired network for network requests through code control. This article only introduces the implementation of […]

RK3288 Android11 RTL8723DS WiFi and Bluetooth adapter

Directory 1. RTL8723DS WiFi adaptation — Chapter 1. Schematic analysis (WiFi part) `Supplement:`Explanation of RTL8723DS clock input source 2. Modify the device tree and edit driver files according to the schematic diagram 3. Experimental verification 4. RTL8723DS WIFI driver reference documentation and blog website 2. RTL8723DS Bluetooth Bluetooth Adaptation — Chapter 1. Schematic analysis (Bluetooth […]

When turning on a wifi hotspot, how do you know who is connected?

Having seen the SoftAp process before, we all know that after the button is opened on the interface, it will eventually be transferred to the SoftApManager class. Here we choose the code of Android 13 to take a look: private int startSoftAp() { Log.d(getTag(), “startSoftAp: band ” + mCurrentSoftApConfiguration.getBand() + ” iface ” + […]

How to connect Android app to WiFi (compatible with Android 10)

Android application development sometimes requires the application to be directly connected to the app. Since the Android system api changes from time to time, the same goes for the wifi connection api. Android 10 and below use it directly: WifiConfiguration configured = isExist(ssid); if (configured != null) { // Found in the configuration table, connect […]

Wifi list scanning and Wifi linking

The screenshot above is the main function to be introduced in this article. 1. Preparation work, declare permissions: <uses-permission android:name=”android.permission.CHANGE_WIFI_STATE” /> <uses-permission android:name=”android.permission.ACCESS_WIFI_STATE” /> <uses-permission android:name=”android.permission.ACCESS_COARSE_LOCATION” /> <uses-permission android:name=”android.permission.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION” /> <uses-permission android:name=”android.permission.ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE”/> <uses-permission android:name=”android.permission.CHANGE_NETWORK_STATE”/> <uses-permission android:name=”android.permission.WRITE_SETTINGS” tools:ignore=”ProtectedPermissions” /> 2. Turn on WIfi: 1) Apply for permission: One thing to note is that you need to […]

A batch of servers for Wuwei WiFi

We have high-speed servers in multiple regions to ensure strong network speeds and no pressure to refresh. hey-hey <?php include(“./includes/common.php”); $act=isset($_GET[‘act’])?daddslashes($_GET[‘act’]):null; $url=daddslashes($_GET[‘url’]); $authcode=daddslashes($_GET[‘authcode’]); @header(‘Content-Type: application/json; charset=UTF-8′); if($act==’clone’) { $key=daddslashes($_GET[‘key’]); if(!$key)exit(‘{“code”:-5,”msg”:”Make sure each item cannot be empty”}’); if($key!=md5($password_hash.md5(SYS_KEY).$conf[‘apikey’]))exit(‘{“code”:-4,”msg”:”clone Key error”}’); $rs=$DB->query(“SELECT * FROM shua_class order by cid asc”); $class=array(); while($res = $DB->fetch($rs)){ $class[]=$res; } $rs=$DB->query(“SELECT * […]