Crawl today’s headlines pictures (bs4 method)

Crawling today’s headline pictures (bs4 method) 1. Preliminary crawling Here we can easily figure out that the request method of this web page is a GET request. (Originally I planned to crawl beauties, but later I discovered that there would be image violations, so I changed it to crawling landscape images. To crawl beauties, you […]

[Python library] Use of bs4

Overview The full name of bs4 is BeautifulSoup, which is one of the commonly used libraries for writing python crawlers. It is mainly used to parse html tags. 1. Initialization from bs4 import BeautifulSoup soup = BeautifulSoup(“<html>A Html Text</html>”, “html.parser”) Two parameters: the first parameter is the html text to be parsed, and the second […]

004 data analysis bs4 module

Introduction to bs4 Basic concepts (C1) **Simply speaking, Beautiful Soup is a library of python, the main function is to scrape data from web pages. **The official explanation is as follows: ”’ Beautiful Soup provides some simple, pythonic functions for handling navigation, searching, modifying parse trees, and more. It is a toolbox that provides users […]

Parsing: BeautifulSoup (bs4)

<title>Title</title> <div> <ul> <li id=”l1″>Zhang San</li> <li id=”l2″>Li Si</li> <li>Wang Wu</li> <a href=”” id=”” class=”a1″ rel=”noopener”>Silicon Valley</a> <span>Hey hey hey</span> </ul> </div> <a href=”” title=”a2″ rel=”noopener”>Baidu</a> <div id=”d1″> <span>hahaha</span> </div> <p id=”p1″ class=”p1″>Hehehe</p> “”” .-”-. .–. _…_ .’ .-. ) |__| .’ ‘. / .’ / / .–..-,.–. . .-. . (_/ / / | […]

Web page analysis–bs4–01

bs4 module of python crawler (super detailed) Beautiful Soup 4.4.0 Documentation – Beautiful Soup 4.2.0 documentation ( You can see that the bs4 library turns the web page file into a soup type, In fact, the bs4 library is a functional library for parsing, traversing, maintaining, and “tag tree”. In layman’s terms: the bs4 library […]

Pyf20230329 (Python CSV and Bs4)

01 csv read and write operations 1. What is a csv file: The csv file is called a comma-separated value file, which saves data in the form of rows and columns like an Excel file. When saving data, multiple columns of data in the same row are separated by commas. 2.csv file read and write […]

Knowledge about csv and bs4

1. Reading and writing of csv 1.1 What is a csv file The csv file is called: Comma-separated value file, which saves data in the form of rows and columns like an Excel file. When saving data, multiple columns of data in the same row are separated by commas. 1.2 Read and write operations of […]

Python-bs4 module analysis

1. Foreword Beautiful Soup is a Python library that can extract data from HTML or XML files. It enables idiomatic document navigation, searching, and modifying documents through your favorite converter. Beautiful Soup will save you hours or even days of operating hours. Beautiful Soup supports the HTML parser in the Python standard library, and also […]

[Solved] Python import bs4 library error solution

Table of Contents 1. Error reporting Second, the source code 3. Analysis Fourth, the solution 5. Changed source code and results 1. Error AttributeError: partially initialized module ‘bs4’ has no attribute ‘BeautifuSoup’ (most likely due to a circular import) It probably means: The BeautySoup of the bs4 module has no corresponding attribute, that is to […]