selenium xpath positioning

selenium-xpath positioning <span style=”background-color:#2d2d2d”><span style=”color:#cccccc”><code class=”language-javascript”>element_xpath <span style=” color:#67cdcc”>=</span> driver<span style=”color:#cccccc”>.</span><span style=”color:#f08d49″>find_element</span>< span style=”color:#cccccc”>(</span>By<span style=”color:#cccccc”>.</span><span style=”color:#f8c555″>XPATH </span><span style=”color:#cccccc”>,</span> <span style=”color:#7ec699″>’xpath expression'</span><span style= “color:#cccccc”>)</span> </code></span></span> xpath positioning instructions xpath is XML Path Language, which is specified by the International Organization for Standardization W3C. It is a language used to determine the location of XML document nodes. […]

Web page parsing — xpath

1. Overview xpath plays a pivotal position in Python crawler learning. Comparing regular expressions, re can complete the same work and implement similar functions, but xpath has obvious advantages over re, which makes re take a back seat in web page analysis. The full name of xpath is **XML Path Language**, a small **query language** […]

The scrapy framework crawls data (creates a scrapy project + xpath parses data + saves data through pipelines + middleware)

Table of Contents 1. Create a scrapy project 2. Xpath parses data 3. Data saving through pipelines 4. Middleware 1. Create a scrapy project 1. Create a folder: C06 Enter the following command in the terminal: 2. Install scrapy: pip install scrapy 3. Go to the folder: cd C06 4. Create project: scrapy startproject C06L02 […]

[Mybatis source code] XPathParser parser

XPathParser is a class defined in Mybatis for parsing XML files. This class is used to read node text and attributes in XML files; in this article we mainly introduce the principle of XPathParser parsing XML. 1. XPathParser construction method Here we introduce the main construction methods public XPathParser(InputStream inputStream, boolean validation, Properties variables, EntityResolver […]

Xpath complex element positioning find_element

31 Xpath complex element positioning find_element (67, 68, 69) If the article is well written, please share it and reprint it: Table of contents 1. Positioning of eight major elements of Python text 1. Python eight elements positioning methods id, name, class_name, tag_name, link_text, partial_link_text, xpath, css_selector 1. Element positioning The returned value is […]

Xpath analysis of data analysis (super detailed positioning)

Table of Contents ?edit Preface 1. Introduction to Xpath 1.Basic introduction 2.HTML tree structure diagram 2. Relationship between nodes Absolute path and relative path in Xpath absolute path relative path 2. Introduction to the syntax of Xpath Basic positioning syntax 1. Element attribute positioning 2. Positioning combined with hierarchical attributes 3. Use predicate positioning 4. […]

Use Java Xpath to crawl a certain Yiyun song

This article uses Java xpath to crawl a certain Yiyun song and download it locally. The code is only for personal study and use. Suggestions are welcome. 1. Add dependencies <dependency> <groupId>cn.wanghaomiao</groupId> <artifactId>JsoupXpath</artifactId> <version>2.2</version> </dependency> <dependency> <groupId>cn.hutool</groupId> <artifactId>hutool-all</artifactId> <version>5.8.9</version> </dependency> 2. Get music id and url /** * Get song information * * @param url […]

appium+python automated 58-xpath positioning

Basic attribute positioning Take the Taobao app as an example, locate the scan button in the upper left corner 1. Can be located through text text //*[@text=’text text attribute’] # Position text driver.find_element_by_xpath(“//*[@text=’Scan’]”).click() 2. If the element id is unique, xpath can also locate the id attribute //*[@resource-id=’id attribute’] # Locate resource-id driver.find_element_by_xpath(“//*[@resource-id=’’]”).click() 3. If […]

UI automated testing Selenium-What is the difference between css and xpath?

UI automated testing Selenium is a very excellent WEB (UI) automated testing framework The latest version is Selenium4.x. Selenium supports mainstream browser automation testing, specifically Chrome, IE, Firefox and other browsers. Selenium also supports mainstream development languages, such as Python, Java, Net, and PHP. Selenium IDE Selenium 1.0 WebDriver Selenium=WevbDriver + Selenium Build: 1. Install […]