C-style file input/output—file seeking—(std::ftell,std::fgetpos,std::fseek,std::fsetpos,std::rewind)

The C I/O subset of the C++ standard library implements C-style stream input/output operations. The <cstdio> header file provides general file support and provides functions with narrow and multibyte character input/output capabilities, while the <cwchar> header file provides functions with wide character input/output capabilities. File location Returns the current file position indicator std::ftell long ftell( […]

Standard IO process thread functions: fopen, perror, fclose, fprintf, fscanf, fputc, fgetc, buffer, fputs, fgets, fwrite, fread, fseek, ftell,

Standard IO functions: 1. Stream pointer (FILE*): FILE* fp=fopen(“1.txt”,”r”): This fp is a stream pointer. When this file is opened in read-only mode, a buffer will be applied for at the same time. At this time, the stream pointer fp It will contain the information of the current reading position of the file, if it […]

File operations and related functions fwrite, fread, fseek, ftell, rwind, feof

Blogger’s homepage: @. Yihuai Mingyue? ?Column Series: Linear Algebra, C Beginner Training, Problem Solving C, C Use Articles, “Beginner” C++ Motto: “Don’t wait until you have nothing before you make up your mind to do it” If you feel good, I beg you to pay more attention, a little love, give pointers Directory File operation […]

C++ structure data read and write files fopen fclose fwrite wread fseek function details

1. Header file #include 2.fopen() function Call the fopen() function to open or create a file. FILE *fopen(const char *path, const char *mode); path : The parameter path points to the file path, which can be an absolute path or a relative path. mode: The parameter mode specifies the read and write permissions for the […]