LINUX Talk (Spend 10 minutes to learn blind box knowledge points) (perror, O_CREAT|O_RDWR, S_IRWXU, lseek, dup, system, struct stat statbuf, regular file bits)

ok friends, without further ado, let’s take a look at the code below! First question: if(fd1< 0) { perror(“open :”); printf(“errno is:%d \ “,errno); This code is used to handle the situation where the file fails to open: The open() function will return a non-negative file descriptor when the file is successfully opened, and -1 […]

java design springcloud design and implementation of medical seeking and medicine seeking system based on Netty

Welcome to like, collect, follow and comment. Due to limited space, only part of the core code is shown. Article directory Preface 1. Project introduction 2. Development environment 3. Function introduction Database design overview 4. Core code 5. Effect drawing 6. Article Table of Contents Foreword This paper mainly discusses how to use JAVA language […]

“Upgrading is seeking death, not upgrading is waiting for death”, the painful upgrade path of GitLab CE

Editor’s note: This article is reprinted from the public account Operation and Maintenance Shitang. The author has been contacted to obtain reprint authorization. In the more than ten years of development of GitLab, it has accumulated a large number of CE users in China. However, many CE users do not follow GitLab’s release rhythm (monthly […]

Jest unit testing: a little hide and seek with the code!

Hi, fellow coders! In this golden October, the National Day overlaps with the Mid-Autumn Festival, and we have a special task – to find the mysterious “Mid-Autumn Cake” of the code through Jest unit testing! It’s a simple and fun adventure, as easy as looking for the moon at a Mid-Autumn Festival party. Let us […]

C-style file input/output—file seeking—(std::ftell,std::fgetpos,std::fseek,std::fsetpos,std::rewind)

The C I/O subset of the C++ standard library implements C-style stream input/output operations. The <cstdio> header file provides general file support and provides functions with narrow and multibyte character input/output capabilities, while the <cwchar> header file provides functions with wide character input/output capabilities. File location Returns the current file position indicator std::ftell long ftell( […]

BUU [HCTF 2018]Hideandseek

BUU [HCTF 2018]Hideandseek Test points: Soft link to read arbitrary files FlaskFakesession /proc/self/environ file obtains the list of environment variables of the current process Pseudo-random number seed generated by random.seed() MAC address (stored in /sys/class/net/eth0/address file) I encountered soft connections during the national competition. It is a worry to learn about it again this time. […]

Amazon Fargate uses Seekable OCI for faster container launches

While developing with containers has become increasingly popular when it comes to deploying and scaling applications, there are still some areas where improvements can be made. One of the main issues with scaling containerized applications is long startup times, especially during vertical scaling when newer instances need to be added. This issue can negatively impact […]

Android implements seekBar that follows the movement of the slider.

Overview Detailed description of the custom implementation process of the seekBar effect displayed following the movement of the slider Details Foreword In the development process of Android, we sometimes use custom Seekbar, such as when sliding the slider, the text moves with the slider. Let’s talk about it today. Let’s talk about the implementation of […]

2023 hdu Game 1 1001 Hide-And-Seek Game

Problem Description On a tree, the edge weight of the tree is 1 1 1 , S e r e no a d e Serenade Serenade and R h a p the s o d y Rhapsody Rhapsodya from their respective starting points S a S_a Sa? , S b S_b Sb? towards the end […]