A certain shield – slider verification – automatically obtain the validate value – (reverse js+python)

I am the title 1. From get? The website obtains the slider image and token 1.1 Get fp value 1.2 Get cb value 1.3 Simulate contract delivery 2. Get the slider movement distance 3. Send the package to obtain the final validate value 3.1 Trajectory generation 3.2 Check website delivery 3.3 Get data value 4 […]

034-Third Generation Software Development-Customized Slider (1)

Third generation software development-Customized Slider (1) Article directory Third generation software development-customized Slider (1) Project Introduction Custom Slider(1) in conclusion Keywords: Qt、 Qml、 Slider、 position、 Keyword 5 Project introduction Welcome to our QML & C++ project! This project combines the power of QML (Qt Meta-Object Language) and C++ to develop excellent user interfaces and high-performance […]

038-Third Generation Software Development-Simple Video Player-Customized Slider (2)

Third generation software development-simple video player-custom Slider (2) Article directory Third generation software development-simple video player-customized Slider (2) Project Introduction Simple video player Custom Slider (2) Horizontal portrait Keywords: Qt、 Qml、 Keyword 3, Keyword 4, Keyword 5 Project introduction Welcome to our QML & C++ project! This project combines the power of QML (Qt Meta-Object […]

vue3 canvas verification code and slider puzzle verification

Human-computer authentication Adding human-machine authentication in some resource downloading and reading scenarios can prevent some simple network attacks. Only two native implementations are introduced. canvas verification code Draw specific text through canvas and mix it with lines and colors. Rendering: verify.js // verify.js function GVerify (options) {<!– –> // Create a graphic verification code object […]

Cool, I finally implemented the selenium image slider verification code! [With code]

Due to various reasons, we were unable to achieve the goal of the vision. Recording the intermediate results here can be regarded as an ending. This article is mainly about individual cases of using selenium to solve the slider verification code. Ideas: Use selenium to open the specified website in the browser Download incomplete block […]

Flutter_Slider_SliderTheme_Slider/Slider_Gradient color

Call examples and effects SliderTheme( data: SliderTheme.of(context).copyWith( trackHeight: 3, // slider trackShape: const GradientRectSliderTrackShape(radius: 1.5), // slider thumbShape: const GradientSliderComponentShape( rectWH: 14, overlayRectSpace: 4, overlayColor: Colors.black), ), child: Slider( value: 3, //Color of unslided area inactiveColor: Color(0x55FFFFFF), min: 1, max: 10, ), ) Slider gradient color import ‘package:flutter/material.dart’; class GradientRectSliderTrackShape extends SliderTrackShape with BaseSliderTrackShape {<!– […]

slider, progress and circleprogress of nim_duilib (10)

introduction For more control usage, please refer to here and source code. The code for this article is based on here This article will introduce 3 controls: slider, progress and circleprogress. For specific usage, please refer to the functions provided in the source code. This article demonstrates the results: sliding the slider, the progress bar […]

QScrollBar scroll bar, QSlider slider, QDial dial

QAbstractSlider class, QSCrollBar class, QSlider class 1. Basic principles 1. QAbstractSlider inherits from QWidget. This class is mainly used to provide integer values within a range. 2. The QAbstractSlider class is the parent class of the QScrollBar class (scroll bar), QSlider class (slider), and QDial class (dial). The properties and functions of this class are […]