Computer algorithm analysis and design (12)—Greedy algorithm (optimal loading problem and Huffman coding problem)

Article directory 1. Optimal loading problem 1.1 Problem statement 1.2 Code writing 2. Huffman coding 2.1 Overview of Huffman coding 2.2 Prefix code 2.3 Problem description 2.4 Code ideas 2.5 Code writing 2.6 Average code length 2.7 Examples 2.7.1 Question 1 2.7.2 Question 2 1. Optimal loading problem 1.1 Problem statement ?1. There is a […]

Computer Algorithm Analysis and Design (11)—Greedy Algorithm (Activity Arrangement Problem and Knapsack Problem)

Article directory 1. Overview of Greedy Algorithm 2. Event arrangement issues 2.1 Problem overview 2.2 Code writing 3. Backpack Problem 3.1 Problem description 3.2 Code writing 1. Overview of greedy algorithm ?1. Definition of greedy algorithm: Greedy algorithm means that when solving a problem, always make the best choice at present. In other words, we […]

NPC series of articles (2)—A greedy algorithm for the minimum coverage problem Set Cover Problem to find the entire coverage set

QT = core CONFIG+=c++11 cmdline # You can make your code fail to compile if it uses deprecated APIs. # In order to do so, uncomment the following line. #DEFINES + = QT_DISABLE_DEPRECATED_BEFORE=0x060000 # disables all the APIs deprecated before Qt 6.0.0 SOURCES + = \ cprecisetimer.cpp\ main.cpp\ simplegraph.cpp # Default rules for deployment. qnx: […]

[Algorithm Design and Analysis] – Greedy Algorithm for Single Source Shortest Path

Everyone is welcome to watch my algorithm design and analysis column: Algorithm Design and Analysis_IT Yan’s Blog-CSDN Blog I hope it will be helpful to everyone! Personal column: Algorithm design and analysis: Algorithm design and analysis_IT Yan’s blog-CSDN blog Java Basics: Java Basics_IT Yan’s Blog-CSDN Blog C language: c language_IT Yan’s blog-CSDN blog MySQL: Data […]

[Algorithm Design and Analysis] – A greedy algorithm to implement activity scheduling problems.

Everyone is welcome to watch my algorithm design and analysis column: Algorithm Design and Analysis_IT Yan’s Blog-CSDN Blog I hope it will be helpful to everyone! Personal column: Algorithm design and analysis: Algorithm design and analysis_IT Yan’s blog-CSDN blog Java Basics: Java Basics_IT Yan’s Blog-CSDN Blog C language: c language_IT Yan’s blog-CSDN blog MySQL: Data […]

[Algorithm Design and Analysis] – Greedy algorithm to achieve optimal loading

Everyone is welcome to watch my algorithm design and analysis column: Algorithm Design and Analysis_IT Yan’s Blog-CSDN Blog I hope it will be helpful to everyone! Personal column: Algorithm design and analysis: Algorithm design and analysis_IT Yan’s blog-CSDN blog Java Basics: Java Basics_IT Yan’s Blog-CSDN Blog C language: c language_IT Yan’s blog-CSDN blog MySQL: Data […]

Research on transplanting path optimization based on genetic algorithm/greedy algorithm (with all MATLAB codes attached)

The source code download address for the four algorithms in this article: [Free] Genetic Algorithm/Greedy Algorithm/Fixed Order Method Transplantation Path Planning MATLAB Code Resources-CSDN Library Seedling transplanting and sparse transplanting are the two main methods of multi-leaf transplanting in greenhouses. Seedling transplanting is to replace holes or poor-quality seedlings in plug trays with healthy seedlings […]