Dynamic Web Development 07: EL and JSTL

EL and JSTL I. Introduction 2. Notes (1), EL basic grammar 1. The concept of EL 2. The grammar of EL 3. Features of EL Basic Grammar (2) Identifiers in EL 1. Specification of identifiers in EL 2. Examples of identifiers in EL (1) Legal identifier (2) Illegal identifier (3) Keywords in EL (4) Variables […]

6. JSP06 uses EL and JSTL to simplify JSP

6. Simplify JSP with EL and JSTL 6.1 Using EL expressions EL expressions are borrowed from the expression language of JavaScript and XPath EL expressions provide a way to simplify expressions in JSP EL expressions are usually used to obtain attribute values within a scope {page, request, session, application, etc.} 6.1.1 Using EL expressions EL […]

6. JSP06 uses EL and JSTL to simplify JSP

6. Simplify JSP with EL and JSTL 6.1 Using EL expressions EL expressions are borrowed from the expression language of JavaScript and XPath EL expressions provide a way to simplify expressions in JSP EL expressions are usually used to obtain attribute values within a scope {page, request, session, application, etc.} 6.1.1 Using EL expressions EL […]

Difference between EL and JSTL and how to use it?

Article directory 1. EL Case presentation (1) Read saved information with EL pageContext object pageContext object case Web domain related object example Implicit object for accessing environment information Case demonstration Obtaining the request parameters passed by the client Cookie object Cookie object case initParam object initParam object case 3. JSTL Import the JSTL package Case […]

[Solved] Using jstl in Tomcat 10.1.5

Recently, I am studying the crm project of “power node SSM framework project combat”. Since the technology used in the project is relatively old, I try my best to use the latest technology. I use Tomcat10, Spring 6 and Mysql 8. After learning, p35 appears and jstl usage problems. solved The following is the complete […]

EL expressions, JSTL tag library

EL is the abbreviation of Expression Language, which means expression language. Using EL expressions can simplify the writing of Java code in JSP pages. The format is very simple, you only need to embed ${expression} in the JSP page. Getting Started Case Create a new JSPDemo4.jsp, and use EL expressions to judge two integers. <%@ […]

JSTL and Core tag library

JSTL is a constantly improving open source JSP tag library. Using JSTL can replace the practice of embedding Java code in traditional JSP programs, greatly improving the maintainability of programs. JSTL contains five types of standard tag libraries, which are core tag library, internationalization/formatting tag library, SQL tag library, >XML tag library and Function tag […]

Database access and JSTL

1. Purpose of the experiment 1 ,learn JDBC The concept and working principle of 2 ,familiar JDBC API The main interface or class of ; 3 , master the use JDBC Steps and methods for database access (addition, deletion, modification and query); 2. Experiment content and requirements adopt JSP + Servlet + JavaBean Architecture, design […]